Montag, 12. Juni 2023

Joker exercise & preparation for the written test (class 8b)

IMPORTANT: Write down all the sentences (!!) on a PIECE OF PAPER to get your "joker" card! Do NOT use your i-Pads!

Task 1: Fill in the correct verb forms (if clauses type 0, type I, type II and type III).

1.     If Corey and Kelly had met at 9:30, they ... (have) plenty of time.

2.     Kelly would find the lemonade if she ... (look) in the fridge.

3.     If I ... (be) you, I would listen to your older brother!

4.     If you spoke louder, your classmates ... (understand) you.

5.     Liam ... (arrive) in time at the party if he had driven fast enough.

6.    Water boils if you ... (heat) it to a hundred degrees Celsius.

7.     If you ... (jump) into the swimming pool without wearing a swimsuit, you get wet.

8.     The door would have been unlocked if you ... (press) the green button.

9.     If Kelly ... (ask) her friends, they would have come to the party.

10.   I ... (call) the office if I were you.

Task 2: Say it in English. Use an if-clause. 

1. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich deinem Freund helfen. (Typ 2)

2. Wenn ich nur mehr gelernt hätte, hätte ich eine bessere Note geschrieben. (Typ 3)

3. Wenn ich eine Million gewinne, werde ich mir ein schnelles Auto kaufen. (Typ 1)

4. Wir hätten Sam vor den Kino getroffen, wenn er nicht krank geworden wäre. (Typ 3)

5. Kelly würde ein Buch schreiben, wenn sie die Zeit hätte. (Typ 2)


Task 3: Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns or each other.

1. My computer system is damaged. It turns ... off all the time!

2. George looked at ... in the mirror.

3. Tom usually cuts his hair all by ... .

4. Kim loves Jeff and Jeff loves Kim. They're in love with ... .

5. Before the test, I told ... that I could do it.

6. My little sister locked the door all by ...

7. The children cleaned their rooms all by ... Nobody had to help.

8. They're standing in front of the huge mirror. They're facing ... 

9. The man sat on the park bench talking to ... .

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Montag, den 19.06.2023

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