Donnerstag, 19. November 2015

Joker Exerises (Übung für die Schulaufgabe, Klasse 6c)

Task 1: Write down the complete (!) text von a piece of paper and fill in the missing
simple past forms.

Last summer the Smiths __________________________ (stay) at a hotel in the New Forest. They
absolutely ______________________ (like) it there. The family ______________________ (enjoy)
the weather and _____________________ (love) the hotel and the food. They ___________ (eat)
English breakfast in the morning and they __________________ (drink) coffee and hot chocolate.
George and Kelly ___________________ (think) it was great. They often _______________ (ride)
their bikes through the forest and they never got lost because they _____________ (have)
a guide with them. In the evening they __________________ (go) for a long walk and
_________________ (see) many different animals in the forest. George _________________ (take)
lots of photos with his brand-new camera.

Task 2: Adjectives. Make correct sentences. Look at the example first.

0. An hour is longer than a minute. LONG
1. A CD is _______________________________________________ a mobile phone. CHEAP
2. Swimming in the sea is _________________________________ swimming in a lake. DANGEROUS
3. A car is __________________________________ a bike. FAST
4. January is ________________________________ July. COLD
5. Look, the CD and the DVD cost 5 Pounds each. The CD is _____________________________________ the DVD. EXPENSIVE
6. Madame Tussaud's is the _____________________________ sight in London. POPULAR
7. Both cars can drive 100 mph (= miles per hour). The red car is ______________________________________ than the blue car. FAST

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