Dienstag, 17. September 2024

First "joker" exercise & revision from last year (class 7f)

IMPORTANT: Write down ALL the tasks (write complete sentences!!) on a PIECE OF PAPER to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: What are they (not) going to do? Complete the sentences and use the going-to future. Be careful: There are more verbs than you need. Check the example (0) first.  

not listen - write - not ride - not call - eat - buy - read - sleep - not go hiking  

0. Mrs Smith is going to write an e-mail to her best friend.
1. Linda ... because her feet hurt.
2. George .... in his tent in summer.
3. In her holidays, Kelly ... in a restaurant every day.
4. The kids ... postcards when they are in Wales.
5. I ... book next weekend.
6. Kelly ... to music because her speakers are broken.

Task 2: Fill in the correct simple past forms. There is one example (0).

0. Two days ago, I … (be) in the supermarket. --> Two days ago, I was in the supermarket.

1. Geroge and Kelly … (be) there, too.
2. We … (buy) some apples and bananas.
3. It … (not/be) hot outside.
4. Kim and Karen … (be) at the skate park last Friday.
5. They … (wear) a brand-new shirt.
6. Raphael … (be) there, too.
7. But I … (not / be) in the cinema.
8. … you in the cinema? Yes, I ….
9. … Kelly and Corey in the cinema last Monday? Yes, they ….
10. … Alex in the library? Yes, he ….
11. … you late for school? No, I ….
12. … Mr L. happy? Yes, he ….
13. … we loud in the last lesson? No, you ….
14. … they happy when they lost the basketball game? No, ….
15. They … (not / be) happy when they lost the game. They … (be) sad.
16. It … (not / be) easy to learn the new words. It … (be) hard.

Task 3: Form questions using the simple past. Remember: You must use "did" (plus infinitive) in simple past questions. Check the example (0).

0. what / Tom / ask / her --> What did Tom ask her?
1. what / they / have / for lunch --> …
2. where / they / ride / their bikes --> …
3. why / close / Kelly / the door --> …
4. when / Sam and Kelly / visit / the Tower of London --> …
5. why / they / not / ask / their teacher for help? --> …
6. why / dog / run / after the cat --> …
7. which / they / sweaters / wear / last Friday --> …

Aufgaben veröffentlicht: Dienstag, den 17.09.2024

Letzter (!) möglicher Abgabetermin der komplett abgeschriebenen "Jokerexercise": Mittwoch, 25.09.2024. An diesem Tag bekommst du dann die Lösungen und dein "Jokerkärtchen". :-)

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