Samstag, 7. Dezember 2019

"joker exercise" class 5b (Vorbereitung für den 2. Leistungstest)


Write down ALL the sentences on a piece of paper.

Schreibe alle Sätze auf ein Blatt Papier und gib es deinem Lehrer. Er wird dir dann die Musterlösung und ein "Joker-Kärtchen" geben. Letzter Abgabetermin: Englischstunde am Donnerstag, 12.12.2019)

Task 1: Fill in "haven't got" (-), "hasn't got" (-), "have got" (+) or "has got" (+).

0. Mr L. hasn't got (-) two pets. He's got one.

1. I ____________________ (-) a green rubber. My rubber is yellow.

2. My mum and dad __________________ (-) an old car. The car is new!

3. Luke ___________________ (+) two exercise books in his school bag.

4. My sister __________________ (-) four books in her room. She's got a lot of books!

5. My grandmother and my grandfather _____________________ (+) a nice flat.

6. The boys and girls haven't got three pencil cases. They _______________________ (+) five.

Task 2: Fill in the correct vocabulary. Mind the correct form. (= Achte auf die richtige Form!)

 0. The opposite (<-->) of grandmother is grandfather.

1. Wer ist dran? --> ___________________________?

2. What's missing? ---> Monday, Tuesday, _________________, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

3. There are 25 ____________________ ("Schüler") in class 5b.

4. Mrs Warren is the _____________________ ("Hausmeisterin") at the school.

5. Can you ___________________ (<-> open) the window, please?

6. The plural of "party" is ________________ and the plural of "mouse" is ______________.

7. Olivia says: _________________ is my bed? - Well, it's next to the living room.

8. "I think that answer was _________________ (<--> wrong)", says Olivia.

9. What's Luke's ____________ (???)? - He's eleven.

10. The girls and boys make a tree house. They're __________________ ("aufgeregt").

11. Rooms in a house. Write down 5 more words: kitchen, ...

12. prepositions. Write down 5 more words: over, under...

Task 3: Say it in English. 

0. Luke hat kein Fahrrad. --> Luke hasn't got a bike.

1. Wo ist der Ball? --> ______________________________

2. Ich habe ein oranges Buch. ---> ___________________________

3. Da sind zwei Radiergummis auf dem Regal. --> ______________________________

4. Sie hat keinen Fußball. --> ______________________________

5. Wie geht es dir? --> ______________________________

6. Ich bin hungrig. --> _________________________

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