Montag, 13. Mai 2019

Joker Exericse & Übung für die Schulaufgabe (Klasse 8a)

Task 1: Write down the complete sentences (task 1 and 2) on a piece of paper. Fill in the correct reflexive (or emphatic) pronoun. (= form of "oneself"). If you don't need one, then write and X on the line. There is one example (0) given.

0. The computer switches ____itself ____ off.

1. Kelly usually complains ____________________ a lot. Her parents are really frustrated because of that.

2. Jeff and Kelly did their homework all by _______________________, no one helped them.

3. Kelly's brother painted the fence ____________________.

4. When Jeff met Kelly he said to her: "Well, tell me a little bit about ________________________, please."

5. Jeff made this fantastic T-Shirt all by ____________________.

6. That man is strange. He often talks to _______________________.

7. Kelly and Jeff couldn't remember _________________________ the film's title.

8. The cat nearly killed _____________________ when it ran across the road. What a crazy cat!

9. Some people only think about ________________________.

10. Sally felt ______________________ sick and had to stay in bed.

Task 2: If clauses. Fill in the missing verb forms of the words in brackets. (If clauses type 0, type 1 and type 2).
1.  If Kelly _____________________ (not / listen) to her brother, he'll be really angry.
2. The program starts if you ____________________ (press) that button.
3. If Sam and Kelly tried harder, they _______________________ (do better) at football.
4. If Tom____________________ (jump) into the water, he__________________ (get) wet.
5. If you ____________________ (not / hurry), you'll miss the bus!
6. You should go to bed, if you _______________________ (feel) tired.
7. Tom ______________________ (donate) some money to charity, if he won in the lottery.
8. If a glass bottle __________________ (fall) to the ground, it __________________ (break).
Abgabe der abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Montag, den 20.05.2019

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