Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2018

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7f)

Task 1: Fill in the correct relative pronoun. If you don't need a relative pronoun (= contact clause) then write an X one the line.

1. Jeff _________________ favourite hobby is soccer supports Liverpool FC.
2. This is the girl _________________ bought a new bike last Monday.
3. Fiona and Sally are the girls _________________  Jeff met in Munich.
4. This is the woman _________________ house was on fire.
5. David Guetta is a DJ _________________ comes from France.
6. He likes to eat hamburgers _________________ are hot.
7. The thief stole the bike _________________ Fiona forgot in front of her house.
8. Can I talk to the man _________________ is waiting in that room?
9. Jeff, _________________ doesn't live in Munich, is from New York City.

Task 2: Form contact clauses! Look at the example first.

0. FC Augsburg is the team. Mr L. supports it. --> FC Augsburg is the team Mr L. supports.

1. I gave you a CD. It's new. --> ...
2. I am reading a book at the moment. It's marvellous. --> ...

3. The game is great. I bought it yesterday. --> ...

4. He lives in a house. The house is new. --> ...

 Task 3: Fill in the correct vocabulary from Unit 4.

1. Someone who is in prison is a ________________

2. There were _________________ (> some, but not many) mistakes in the text.

3. When do you get up in the morning? - Well, very _________________ (>< late).

4. The word "_________________ ” means: "to travel on water".

5. She loves to pick sweet _________________ in the forest.

6. People say Henry VIII was a _________________ (> very angry) man.

Abgabe der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen Aufgaben am Montag, den 11.06.2018

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