Donnerstag, 5. April 2018

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 3. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7f) (TEIL 2)

Task 3: Form sentences using the words in the correct order. Add "to" or "for". Look at the example (0) first. Start your sentence with the first word given.

0. Phil / some chocolates / fetched --> Jodie
--> Phil fetched some chocolates for Jodie.

1. We / our friends / a meal / cooked
--> We...

2. Kate / a book / bought / her dad
--> ...

3. The teacher / the sentence / explained / the pupils
--> ...

4. Kate / a postcard / sent / her aunt
--> ...

5. Robb / the ticket / fetched / his little sister
--> ...

6. They / the problem / described / me
---> ...

Task 4: Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Right now, you ________________________ (do) an exercise for your English test.

2. Next year, I _________________________ (probably / travel) to London to meet my best friend.

3. Tommy gave the book _________ (???) another boy in his class.

4. That answer was correct. You're _________________ (absolute) right.

5. Are you interested ________ (???) soccer?

6. How long have you live there? - Well, __________ (???) 2015.

7. She really _____________ (enjoy) reading a lot. It's her favourite hobby.

8. In 2016, Kelly ________________ (buy) a fantastic hat when she ________ (be) in London.

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" am Montag, den 09.04.2018 in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer.

Wenn du insgesamt vier "tasks" gemacht hast, bekommst du zwei "Joker" Kärtchen.

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