Samstag, 16. September 2017

First Joker Exercise (class 7f) (Revision from last year)

Important: Take a piece of paper and write down all the sentences (!) to get your "joker" card.

Task 1: Mixed exercise. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find words for the question marks (???). Look at the example (0) first.

 0. The Octoberfest is really popular ____with____ (???) tourists.

1. You can download songs ________ (???) the internet.

2. Yesterday, I ____________ (meet) my friend at the bus station.

3. I think it ________________ (rain) tomorrow.

4. Have you done your homework? - No, I __________________ (???).

5. How are you today? -  ____________________________. ("Mir gehts gut, danke").

6. ______________ (???) is Tom? - Well, he's in his room.

7. Sally: "George, _________________ (???) did you buy those beautiful jeans?" - George: "I found them in that shop over there!"

8. How _______________ (???) is a sandwich? - I think 1,50 Euro.

Task 2: Find the missing verb forms (simple past & past participle (3. Verbform)) and write them down. Look at the example (0) first.
0: to go - went - gone
1: to see - _________ - _________
2: to buy - _________ - _________
3: to light - _________ - _________
4: to meet - _________ - _________
5: to do - _________ - _________
6: to catch - _________ - _________
7: to have -_________ - _________
8: to win - _________ - _________

Task 3: Form sentences with the correct present perfect form! Remember: You need have/has + past participle (3. Verbform) to form the present perfect.

0. She has already seen (already / see) Rihanna twice in concert.
1. I _____________________________ (not / watch) the new Star Wars film, yet.
2. George and Kelly _______________________ (write) a long letter to their pen friends.
3. Sue _______________________ (buy) a new T-shirt for herself.
4. ______________________ (do / already) your homework for tomorrow?
5. Sue _______________________ (forget) to learn for history.

- Aufgaben eingestellt am Samstag, den 16.09.2017
- Abgabe der abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Montag, den 25.09.2017

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