Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2017

Second Joker Exercise (class 9a)

Write down all the sentences (!!) on a piece of paper to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Fill in the correct verb forms (if clauses type 0, type I, type II and type III).

1.     If Corey and Kelly had met at 9:30, they __________________ (have) plenty of time.
2.     Kelly would find the lemonade if she _______________________ (look) in the fridge.
3.     If I _________________ (be) you, I would listen to your teacher!
4.     If you spoke louder, your classmates ________________________ (understand) you.
5.     Liam ____________________ (arrive) in time at the party if he had driven fast enough.
6.    Water boils if you _______________ (heat) it to a hundred degrees celcius.
7.     If you _______________________ (jump) into the swimming pool, you get wet.
8.     The door would have been unlocked if you _____________________ (press) the green button.
9.     If Kelly___________________ (ask) her friends, they would have come to the party.
10.   I _______________________ (call) the office if I were you.

Task 2: Say it in English. Use an if-clause. 

1. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich deinem Bruder helfen. (Typ 2)
2. Wenn ich nur mehr gelernt hätte, hätte ich eine bessere Note geschrieben. (Typ 3)
3. Wenn ich eine Million gewinne, werde ich mir ein schnelles Auto kaufen. (Typ 1)
4. Wir hätten Kelly vor den Kino getroffen, wenn sie nicht krank geworden wäre. (Typ 3)
5. Kelly würde ein Buch schreiben, wenn sie die Zeit hätte. (Typ 2)

Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct verb forms or find suitable words for the question marks (???).
1. Rihanna is on a TV show right now. She ___________________ (already / sing) three songs and she's about to perform her last song. All the fans are smiling ______________ (happy).

2. _______________________________ (to be / Rihanna / ever) to Germany before? 

3. Rihanna ___________ (to love) to eat fish and vegetables. She ________________ (not / to like) hamburgers or meat.

4. Yesterday, her manager _______________ (to explain) Rihanna's plans for 2018 and 2019. She

_____________________________  (to tour) through many countries ___________ (???) the whole world.

5. I found several interesting articles ________ (???) the internet which deal with her career.

6. Yesterday, she ___________ (to be) in Munich. _______________________ (she / to visit) "Kaufinger Straße"?

7. Rihanna _________________________ (usually / to work) on Saturdays and Sundays. She 

______________________  (always / to be) very busy.

8. The singer ____________________ (already / be) to Germany many times. Before she went on tour through Europe, she ___________________ (visit) the United States.

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Mittwoch, den 15.11.2017

joker exercise (and preparation for the written test) (class 7f)

Write down all the sentences (!!) on a piece of paper to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Since or for? Fill in the correct words. Remember: We use "since" for a "point of time" and "for" when we talk about a "period of time".

1. Ed Sheeran has been a singer  ___________ many years now.
2. He hasn't seen his girlfriend ___________ 10 days because he has been on tour ___________ a long time.
3. Ed Sheeran hasn't been to Germany ___________ 2016.
4. He has had singing lessons ___________ almost twelve years now.
5. James has known Ed Sheeran's song ___________  last month.
6. You've been at our school ___________ more than two years.
7. The reporter wants to interview Ed Sheeran. He has been waiting ___________ 4 p.m.
8. Rihanna hasn't been to America ___________ 1st April 2017.
9. New York has been Rihanna's residence ___________ almost 10 years.
10. Rihanna has had her new dress ___________ her birthday.

Task 2: Mixed Grammar. Fill in the missing forms of the words in brackets () or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Rihanna ___________ (to be) on a TV show right now. She ________________ (to sing) her new song at the moment and all her fans are smiling ______________ (happy).
2. _______________________________ (to be / Rihanna / ever) to Germany before? 
3. Rihanna ___________ (to love) to eat fish and vegetables. She ________________ (not / to like) hamburgers or meat.
4. Yesterday, her manager _______________ (to explain) Rihanna's plans for 2018 and 2019. She
_____________________________  (to tour) through many countries ___________ (???) the whole world.
5. Rihanna is a _______________ (wonderful) singer and many people think she sings _________________ (beautiful).
6. Yesterday, she ___________ (to be) in Munich. _______________________ (she / to visit) "Kaufinger Straße"?
7. Rihanna _________________________ (usually / to work) on Saturdays and Sundays. She 
______________________  (always / to be) very busy.
8. Rihanna _____________________ (to talk) to her manager right now. Some days ago, she ___________ (to write) a letter to a fan and ________________ (to answer) all the questions __________________ (???) were sent to her.

passive exercise & mixed grammar (class 10e)

Task 1: Passive exercise. Fill in the missing forms. 

1. Right now, the songs _________________________ (record) by the band.

2. More than three tracks _________________________ (already / perform) by the band on stage.

3. Some days ago, the office ______________________ (tidy) by the cleaner.

4. One book was written in 1867 but the other books _______________________ (write) before 1867.

5. Right now, a passive exercise_______________________ (do) by you.

6. Next Monday, several boxes _____________________ (deliver) to the company.

7. The pizza ____________________ (eat) by the man during yesterday's conference.

8. Cheese ____________________ (make) from milk.

Task 2: Mixed grammar. Fill in the missing verb forms or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

James Smith was born in the village of Marton, Yorkshire, England, on 27 October 1728. But his family soon moved to another village where Smith ________________________ (spend) most of his childhood. He _________________________ (true / enjoy) travelling from an early age on and he was also very interested __________ (???) all kinds of ships.

In the following years, he found employment on a coal ship. While he ___________________________________ (serve) in the Royal Navy in a war, he was the captain of a ship. After the war _____________________________ (end), Smith went to Canada. There he wanted to live in a settlement together with his family. Several years later, Smith _______________________ (travel) to New Zealand and to Hawaii but one of his boats ___________________________ (steal) by some Hawaiians. When Smith __________________ (try) to get it back, a fight broke out in which he was killed.

Numerous landmarks, ________________________________ (territory), and other places have been named after James Smith, including the “Smith Islands”. The “Smith Islands” is an island complex in the South Pacific Ocean which consists of 15 smaller islands _______________ (???) total land area is 250 square kilometers. They are very popular ___________________ (???) tourists.


Task 1:

1. are being recorded
2. have already been performed
3. was tidied
4. had been written
5. is being done
6. will be delivered
7. was eaten
8. is made

Task 2:

spent - truly enjoyed - in - was serving - had ended - travelled - was stolen - was trying - territories - whose - with

Answers worksheet "Presidential election 2006" (class 10e)

Antworten für das Arbeitsblatt "Presidential election 2016" (Klasse 10e):

Task 1: 

Diane - October - 1947 - Chicago - Democrats - College - 1969 - Yale - 1975 - Chelsea Clinton - families, children, health care - New York - Barack Obama - State - Clinton Foundation

Task 2: 

would introduce
had been
was elected

Task 3: 

1N - 2R - 3R - 4W - 5N - 6W - 7R

Task 4:

1- paragraph 2
2-paragraph 3
3-paragraph 1
4-paragraph 5
6-paragraph 4

Task 5:


Task 6:

(to) fail
(to) attend
(to) improve
(to) point out

 Task 7: if-clauses revision

1. If Hillary Clinton had become president, she would have been (be) the first female
president in US history.
2. If she hadn't studied (not/study) law, she wouldn’t have met her husband.
3. If she hadn’t talked too much in Bill Clinton’s policy as First
Lady, her critics wouldn't have said (not / have) it so easy.
4. She wouldn’t have become so popular if she hadn't stood (not / stand) by her husband after his affair.
5. If she didn’t campaign so hard, her chances wouldn't be (not / be) so good. (if-clause type 2) (Satz passt nicht mehr; eigentlich if-clause typ 3, da ja schon vorbei)
6. If Bill hadn't had (not / have) that affair, she wouldn’t
have had such a hard time as First Lady.
7. A lot of people will be very worried if Donald Trump wins (win).  (if-clause type 1)

(Satz passt nicht mehr; eigentlich if-clause typ 3, da ja schon vorbei)