Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2016

First Joker Exericse (class 7a)

IMPORTANT: Write down all the sentences on a piece of paper! Otherwise you won't get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Simple past OR present perfect? Fill in the missing verb forms. Mind the signal words!
1. Some days ago, Robyn _____________ (buy) a brand-new T-Shirt for her little brother. She really likes it a lot!

2. I _______________ (never / made) a cake in my whole life.

3. _____________________________ (where / you / meet) her yesterday? - Well, we met in front of the cinema and went to the park together.

4. The girls _____________________________ (already / watch) the film more than three times.

5. Yesterday, I ___________________ (forget) my umbrella at home. I _______________ (get) very wet outside because it rained a lot.

6. In 2012, Ed Sheeran ___________________ (play) a concert in his home town. The show ___________ (be) sold-out!

 Task 2: Fill in the correct vocabulary from Unit 1.

1. Italy, France and Germany are _________________. 

2. Where's mum? - Well, she's ___________ ("immernoch") in the office.

3. Germany _______________ (> sells things to another country) beer to countries around the world.

4. The couple went _______________ (>< together) ways in 2014.

5. I know all the new words ____________ (>> but not) the last one.

6. The English word for "Bürogebäude" is _____________ ____________.

 Task 3: Put in the correct words: along, at, between, from, in, on, round, to, with.

0. They travelled along the main road.
1. They went in the maze _______________ their own.

2. East Enders is really good _______________ the moment.

3. Mum and dad are going to look _______________ the gardens.

4. Let’s go _______________ the middle of the maze.

5. The path was _______________ two hedges.

6. I don’t want an argument _______________ you.

7. Hampton Court is only about eight miles _______________ Wimbledon.

8. We’ll be home _______________ half an hour.

ABGABETERMIN der komplett abgeschriebenen Aufgaben: Englischsstunde am Freitag, den 28.10.2016

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