Dienstag, 5. April 2016

Joker Exercises & Übung für die 3. Englischschulaufgabe (19.04.2016) (Klasse 6c)

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable (= geeignete) words for the question marks (???).

Kelly is talking to her best friend Sue. Fill in the missing verb forms.

Kelly: Sue, ____________________ (you / already / listen) to the new Lukas Graham song? It's really nice.

Sue: No, I ___________________ (???). Did you download it on the internet?

Kelly: Well, I __________________ (buy) the CD in the centre of Munich.

Sue: I see. What about the film we _______________ (talk) about last Friday? When should we watch it?

Kelly: I ___________________ (check) the homepage of our cinema and the film starts at 7 pm.

Sue: Oh great. Let's watch the film next Thursday. And I've got a nice plan for next Friday, too.
We ____________________________________ (buy) some sweets for ourselves next Friday, allright?

Kelly: Yeah, that's a nice plan! :)

Task 2: Find the missing verb forms (simple past & present perfect) and write them down. Look at the example (0) first.

0: to go - went - gone
1: to see - _________ - _________
2: to buy - _________ - _________
3: to light - _________ - _________
4: to meet - _________ - _________
5: to do - _________ - _________
6: to catch - _________ - _________
7: to have -_________ - _________
8: to win - _________ - _________

Task 3: Form sentences with the correct present perfect (have/has + past participle) form!

0. She has ___already seen___ (already / see) Rihanna twice in concert.

1. I _____________________________ (not / watch) the new Star Wars film, yet.

2. George and Kelly _______________________ (write) a long letter to their pen friends.

3. Sue _______________________ (buy) a new pair of jeans for herself.

4. ______________________ (you / do / already) your homework for tomorrow?

5. Sue _______________________ (forget) to learn for history.

Aufgaben eingestellt: Dienstag, 05.04.2016
Abgabe der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Dienstag, den 12.04.2016

Beachte: Um einen "Joker" zu bekommen musst du alle Sätze abschreiben!

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