Samstag, 30. Januar 2016

joker exercise - mixed grammar (class 8a)

Mixed grammar (class 8a)

Task: Find the correct forms of the words in brackets. Sometimes you must find suitable words for the question marks.

1. I'm really interested _________ (???) tennis. I _________________________ (real / love) to play with my best friend.

2. You _______________________________ (learn) English for four years now.

3. I think the weather _______________________ (nice) tomorrow!

4. At the moment, I ____________________________ (do) an exercise for our written test on Thursday.

5. Yesterday, Jasmine Thompson _____________________ (play) a show in Neubiberg. Several songs _________________________ (perform) during the show and the fans absolutely loved the gig!

6. In the United States, Thanksgiving ____________________________ (celebrate) every year.

7. We must really quick now! Our train _________________________ (leave) in about 30 minutes!

8. Oh, look at those coulds in the sky! It's ____________________________ (rain)!

9. Listen, the phone _____________________ (ring)! I __________________________ (answer) it for you!

10. About a week ago, me and my best friend _______________ (go) swimming in the local park. We ____________________________ (do / often) this in summer when the weather is fine but last week, I _________________________ (not / enjoy) it because the water was way too cold.

11. George _________________________ (never / be) to New York before but he would like to visit the beautiful city in the upcoming years.

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