Samstag, 30. Januar 2016

joker exercise - mixed grammar (class 8a)

Mixed grammar (class 8a)

Task: Find the correct forms of the words in brackets. Sometimes you must find suitable words for the question marks.

1. I'm really interested _________ (???) tennis. I _________________________ (real / love) to play with my best friend.

2. You _______________________________ (learn) English for four years now.

3. I think the weather _______________________ (nice) tomorrow!

4. At the moment, I ____________________________ (do) an exercise for our written test on Thursday.

5. Yesterday, Jasmine Thompson _____________________ (play) a show in Neubiberg. Several songs _________________________ (perform) during the show and the fans absolutely loved the gig!

6. In the United States, Thanksgiving ____________________________ (celebrate) every year.

7. We must really quick now! Our train _________________________ (leave) in about 30 minutes!

8. Oh, look at those coulds in the sky! It's ____________________________ (rain)!

9. Listen, the phone _____________________ (ring)! I __________________________ (answer) it for you!

10. About a week ago, me and my best friend _______________ (go) swimming in the local park. We ____________________________ (do / often) this in summer when the weather is fine but last week, I _________________________ (not / enjoy) it because the water was way too cold.

11. George _________________________ (never / be) to New York before but he would like to visit the beautiful city in the upcoming years.

Dienstag, 19. Januar 2016

Second Joker Exercise (class 6c) (Vorbereitung für die 2. Schulaufgabe)

Task 1: Ask for the underlined part of the sentence. Ask questions with “did”. Look at the example (0) first. Write down the sentencens and the questions!

0.    Last week, you met Rihanna in Munich.
--> When did you meet Rihanna in Munich?

1.    Last week, you met Rihanna in Munich.
--> ...

2.    Last week, you met Rihanna in Munich.
-->  ...

3. Last week, you met Rihanna in Munich.
 -->  ...

4. Rihanna sang a beautiful song at the end of the concert.
-->  ...

5. Rihanna wrote Kelly a long E-Mail.
--> ...

 6. Rihanna enjoyed the film because it had a nice ending.
--> ...

 Task 2: Write down the complete text and fill in the missing simple past forms!

Two days ago, George _____________ (sit) in his room and _____________ (write) a letter. Suddenly, the telephone ____________ (ring). “Who is that?”, George ___________ (say) to himself. He ______________ (run) to the telephone and __________________ (answer). The caller ______________ (speak) in a low voice so George _______________ (understand) nothing. The person ________________ (sing) “Mirror”, a song by Lil Wayne and Bruno Mars. George _________________ (like) it a lot. The person who sang it ______________ (be) his best friend Jake. Then his little sister ______________ (come) into the room. She ______________ (speak) to George because she _______________ (want) to go shopping and she _______________ (need) money. George _______________ (give) her 10 dollars. 

Aufgaben eingestellt: 19.01.2016
letzter Abgabetermin der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen Aufgaben: Englischsstunde am Mittwoch, 27.01.2016