Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024

4. "joker exercise" and exercise for our written test (class 7)

 Write down all the tasks  ON A PIECE OF PAPER to get your "joker" card.

Task 1: Fill in the correct present perfect progressive forms.

Kathy: Sorry, I’m late.

Corey: That’s OK. I ___haven’t been waiting______ (I / not / wait) long. What ... (you / do)?

Kathy: ... (I / talk) to my best friend about Germany’s game against Switzerland.

Corey: I haven’t heard about that.

Kathy: Oh, everyone ... (talk) about it. There are even many shows on TV!

Corey: ... (I / not watch) TV lately because ... (I / work) for my history project. When is that game?

Kathy: Well, it’s on Sunday at 9 PM. I really hope Germany will win the game!

Task 2: Fill in the correct adjective or adverb.

1. Kelly is a very ... (nice) girl and she can dance very ... (good).

2. The sunlight was very ... (bright) and they couldn’t see a thing when they left the cinema.

3. She plays football ... (fantastic) and she can run very ... (quick).

4. He acted ... (excellent) in that play. He’s an ... (excellent) actor!

5. They walked ... (slow) down the hall and talked ... (quiet).

6. They speak English very ... (good).

7. The whole class liked the ... (spectacular) film.

8. I can’t hardly understand him because he speaks too ... (fast).

9. Corey and Kelly are ... (crazy) in love with each other.

10. After the game, the players laughted ... (happy) into the camera.


Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. I'm really interested ... (???) football and I ... (absolute / love) to watch games on TV.

2. Mr L. is still standing at the bus stop. He ... (stand) there for almost three hours.

3. Right now, Corey ... (listen) to music on his smartphone. He ... (always / to listen) to music after school.

4. Some days ago, Kelly ... (buy) an amazing skirt ... (???) she'll wear next week.

5. I know a man ... (???) car is yellow.

6. George always speaks ... (quiet) because he's really ... (shy).

7. Mr Smith has been ill ... (???) Friday.

8. At nine o'clock, Fiona and Kelly ... (dance) at the disco.

 Letzter möglicher Abgabetermin: DONNERSTAG, 20.06.2024

Freitag, 12. April 2024

"joker exercise" & preparation for the third test

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 3. Schulaufgabe

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze ABSCHREIBEN! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Remember the rules for the "If-clauses" before you start:

If clauses type          If clause               main clause (Hauptsatz)

If clauses type 0:     Simple Present       Simple Present
If clauses type 1:    
Simple Present       will/can/must/should + infinitive 
If clauses type 2:     Simple Past            would + infinitive


If Mr L. adds (do) one and two, he gets (get) three. (type 0)

b. If you do (do) this exercise, Mr L. will be (be) glad. (type 1)

c. If I had (have) enough money, I would buy (buy) a nice house. (type 2).

Task 1: Fill in the correct if-clauses type 0 or type 1.

1. George ... (not / get) a certificate if he ... (fail) the test.

2. If Sally ... (mix) red and green, she ... (get) brown.

3. If the players ... (not / listen) to the coach, they ... (not / win) the game.

4. Sally ... (not / fly) to London if she ... (not / have) enough money.

5. If it ... (be) very hot in summer, people ... (drink) more.

6. I ... (visit) my bother in London if he ... (not / feel) well.

7. Sally ... (buy) the drinks for the party if Kelly ... (prepare) the salad.

8. If babies ... (be) hungry, they ... (cry).

9. Plants ... (die) if they ... (not / get) enough water.

10. If George ... (arrive) on time, he ... (watch) the film in the cinema.

Task 2: Say it in English. Use an if-clause (type 0 or type 1!)

Ich werde einkaufen gehen, wenn ich mein Geld finde.

2. Wenn du ein Glas fallen lässt, zerbricht es.

3. Wenn mein Fuß schmerzt/wehtut, werde ich nicht Fußball spielen.

4. Ich werde nach London fliegen, wenn ich einen billigen Flug bekomme.

Task 3: PRESENT PERFECT SIGNAL WORDS. Write down at least five more signal words. 

already, ....

Task 4:
Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. At the moment, Tom ... (make) a nice sandwich in the kitchen.

2. After Kelly ... (do) her homework, she met her friends in the park.

3. Next year, I ... (probably / fly) to New York City to meet my best friend.

4. That answer was correct. "You're ... (total) right", Mr. L said.

5. ... (Kelly / ever / be) to London before? - Not, she ... (???).

6. ... (you / buy) that Minecraft skin yesterday? - No, I ... (???). It was way too expensive.

7. Kelly really ... (enjoy) horse riding. It's ... (she) favourite hobby.

8. In 2023, Kelly and George ... (buy) a fantastic hat when they ... (be) in London.

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" SPÄTESTENS am Freitag, den 19.04.2024 in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer sowie dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2024

Second "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 2. Schulaufgabe (class 7a & 7c)

 Second "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 2. Schulaufgabe (class 7a & 7c)


Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze ABSCHREIBEN! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Right now, Kelly ________________________ (read) a book about Ireland.

2. Next year, I _________________________ (probably / travel) to Dublin with my family.

3. This is a "question tag", ___________ (???) it?

4. Some weeks ago, my parents ______________ (buy) a new bike for my little sister.

5. I _______________________________ (never / visit) Dublin, but I would like to do that in the future.

6. ________ (???) 2020, Mrs Murphy and Ethan watched a Gaelic football match. It _________ (be) really exciting.

7. She really _____________ (enjoy) reading a lot. It's her favourite hobby.

8. In December 2021, Kelly ________________ (draw) a fantastic picture for her best friend.

Task 2: Fill in the correct question tags.

1. She never listens to music, ________________?

2. Tom’s in the room, ______________?

3. They have watched an amazing film, ________________?

4. Kelly and Tom haven’t bought a new comic, ________________?

5. You usually watch films, ________________?

6. Fiona wanted to download that song, ________________?

7. We’ll travel to Ireland next week, ________________?

8. Tom and Brad usually play online games, ________________?

9. This exercise isn’t difficult, ___________________?

10. Fiona can play football very well, ________________?

11. They aren’t enjoying dinner, ________________?

12. A spider has got seven legs, ________________?

Task 3: Put in the simple past or present perfect. Look at the example (0) first.

0. Why _______________ you do that yesterday? (not / do)
--> Why didn't you do that yesterday?

1. _________ you ever _________ Kerry? (meet)
--> Have....

2. We ____________ them in the park some days ago. (see)
--> ...

3. Have you _______________ Dublin? (ever / visit)
--> ...

4. They _________________ us any pictures yet. (not / show)
--> ...

5. In 2017, we _____________ to Dublin. (fly)
--> ...

6. They ______________________ their homework. Now they can play outside. (already / do)
--> ...

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" SPÄTESTENS am Dienstag, den 30.01.2024 (Klasse 7c) Mittwoch, den 31.01.2024 (Klasse 7a) in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)

Donnerstag, 9. November 2023

Second "joker exercise" & preparation for the first written test (class 7a and 7c)

IMPORTANT: Write down ALL the tasks (complete sentences!!) on a PIECE OF PAPER to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Right now, you ... (do) an exercise for your English test.

2. Next year, I ... (probably / travel) to York to meet my best friend.

3. Kelly gave the book ... (???) another girl in her class.

4. That answer was correct. You're ... (absolute) right.

5. Are you interested ... (???) soccer?

6. __________ (you/buy) that shirt yesterday? - Yes, I ... (???).  

7. She really ... (enjoy) reading a lot. It's her favourite hobby.

8. In 2022, Kelly ... (buy) a fantastic hat when she ... (be) in London.

Task 2: Put in the correct relative pronoun (who, which or whose).

1. Jeff ... favourite hobby is soccer supports Liverpool FC. 

2. This is the girl ... bought a new bike last Monday. 

3. Jeff, ... doesn't live in Munich, is from New York City.

4. This is the woman ... house is huge.

5. Felix de Laet is a DJ ... comes from Belgium.

6. He likes to eat hamburgers ... are spicy.

7. The thief stole the bike ... Fiona forgot in front of her house. 

8. Can I talk to the man ... is waiting in that room?

9. I know a man ... cat can jump really high.


Task 3: Fill in the simple past or past perfect.

 1. Jeff … (sleep) for more than ten hours before his alarm clock … (ring).

2. After he … (have) a shower, he … (go) to the park.

3. Before he … (talk) to his colleague, he … (drink) some coffee.

4. After he … (work) for ten hours, he … (buy) a cake at the cafeteria.

5. At home, he … (cook) dinner before his children … (come) home. 


 Letzter (!) möglicher Abgabetermin der komplett abgeschriebenen "Jokerexercise": Freitag, 17.11.2023

Update (16.11.23): Die Abgabe per MS-Teams (z. B. mit einem Bild der abgeschriebenen Aufgaben) ist ebenfalls bis Freitag Abend möglich.

Montag, 25. September 2023

Answers to the test (class 7a & class 7c)

Class 7a:

 Use of English:


1D - 2F - 3H - 4C - 5A - 6G


 7 for 8 where 9 on 10 must/should 11 their 12 an 13 any 14 to 15 best/greatest

Class 7c:



 1K - 2E - 3A - 4H - 5L - 6D - 7C - 8G


9T - 10N - 11F - 12T - 13F - 14N - 15T

Use of English:


1D - 2F - 3H - 4C - 5A - 6G


 7 for 8 where 9 on 10 must/should 11 their 12 an 13 any 14 to 15 best/greatest

Dienstag, 12. September 2023

First "jokerexercise" & revision from last year (class 7c & class 7a)

IMPORTANT: Write down ALL the tasks (complete sentences!!) on a PIECE OF PAPER to get your "joker" card! 

  Task 1: Write down the correct irregular simple past verb forms (2. form!).

 0. do --> did
1. eat  --> …
2. fight  --> …
3. have  --> …
4. hit  --> …
5. keep  --> …
6. feed  --> …
7. know  --> …
8. understand  --> …
9. take  --> …
10. wake up  --> …
11. think  --> …
12. ride  --> …
13. lose  --> …
14. sleep  --> …
15. wear  --> …

Task 2: Fill in the correct simple past forms. There is one example (0).

0. Two days ago, I … (be) in the supermarket. --> Two days ago, I was in the supermarket.

1. Kelly … (be) there, too.
2. We … (be) in the supermarket together.
3. It … (not/be) hot outside.
4. Kim and Karen … (be) at the skate park last Friday.
5. They … (wear) a brand-new shirt.
6. Raphael … (be) there, too.
7. But I … (not / be) in the cinema.
8. … you in the cinema? Yes, I ….
9. … Kelly and Corey in the cinema last Monday? Yes, they ….
10. … Alex in the library? Yes, he ….
11. … you late for school? No, I ….
12. … Mr L. angry? No, he ….
13. … we nice in the last lesson? No, you ….
14. … I late? Yes, you ….
15. … they happy when they lost the basketball game? No, ….
16. They … (not / be) happy when they lost the game. They … (be) sad.
17. It … (not / be) easy to learn the new words. It … (be) hard.

Task 3: Form questions using the simple past. Remember: You must use "did" (plus infinitive) in simple past questions.

0. what / Tom / to ask / her --> What did Tom ask her?
1. what / they / to have / for lunch --> …
2. where / they / to ride / their bikes --> …
3. why / close / Kelly / the door --> …
4. when / Sam and Kelly / visit / the Tower of London --> …
5. why / they / not / ask / their teacher for help? --> …
6. why / dog / run / after the cat --> …
7. which / they / sweaters / wear / last Friday --> …

Aufgaben veröffentlicht:
Dienstag, 12.09.2023

Letzter (!) möglicher Abgabetermin der komplett abgeschriebenen "Jokerexercise": Dienstag, 26.09.2023 (Klasse 7c) bzw. Montag, 25.09.2023 (Klasse 7a)

As always: If you need help, ask your teacher! :-)

Samstag, 17. Juni 2023

"joker exercise" & preparation for the written test (class 9d)

IMPORTANT: Write down all the sentences (!!) on a PIECE OF PAPER to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Look at the words in brackets and find the correct forms. Sometimes you must find suitable words for the question marks (???).

"See You Again" _____________ (be) a song which ______________________ (record) by American rapper Wiz Khalifa featuring American singer Charlie Puth _________ (???) the soundtrack of the action film, Furious 7 (2015). It is a hip hop song. The track was written _______ (???) DJ Frank E, Puth, Khalifa and Andrew Cedar. The song was written _______ (???) a tribute to the late Paul Walker. "See You Again" was released as the soundtrack's lead single _________ (???) March 17, 2015 ________ (???) the United States.

The song _________ (peak) at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 __________ (???) eight weeks and on the UK Singles Chart for two weeks. It ___________________________ (also / reach) number one in several other __________ (country) including Australia, Austria, Canada, __________________ (German), Ireland, New Zealand and Switzerland. The song holds the __________________ (recording) for the most-____________________ (stream) track in a single day on Spotify __________ (???) the United States (streamed more ______________ (???) 4.2 million times on April 13, 2015). So far, the song _______________________ (stream) more than 1.6 billion times on Spotify alone.


Task 2: Use SO, NEITHER/NOR to complete the dialogues.




















I never go to the cinema.

……………………………………... I don't like going there.

Well, ……………………………………... I really like it.

……………………………………... It’s great.

I’ve never seen Avatar!

…………………………………….... I’d like to see it, though.

I watched the comedy show on TV last night.

…………………………………….... I really enjoyed it.

I’d like to go to the cinema tonight.

…………………………………….... I’d love to see the new “Batman” movie.

I’m not going to a Depeche Mode concert next week.

…………………………………….... I haven’t got the money.

I like Ed Sheeran. He is an amazing singer.

…………………………………….... I dislike his music and especially his singing.

I’m going to watch the film this evening.

…………………………………….... I’m going to meet my friends.