Dienstag, 23. Januar 2024

Second "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 2. Schulaufgabe (class 7a & 7c)

 Second "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 2. Schulaufgabe (class 7a & 7c)


Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze ABSCHREIBEN! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Right now, Kelly ________________________ (read) a book about Ireland.

2. Next year, I _________________________ (probably / travel) to Dublin with my family.

3. This is a "question tag", ___________ (???) it?

4. Some weeks ago, my parents ______________ (buy) a new bike for my little sister.

5. I _______________________________ (never / visit) Dublin, but I would like to do that in the future.

6. ________ (???) 2020, Mrs Murphy and Ethan watched a Gaelic football match. It _________ (be) really exciting.

7. She really _____________ (enjoy) reading a lot. It's her favourite hobby.

8. In December 2021, Kelly ________________ (draw) a fantastic picture for her best friend.

Task 2: Fill in the correct question tags.

1. She never listens to music, ________________?

2. Tom’s in the room, ______________?

3. They have watched an amazing film, ________________?

4. Kelly and Tom haven’t bought a new comic, ________________?

5. You usually watch films, ________________?

6. Fiona wanted to download that song, ________________?

7. We’ll travel to Ireland next week, ________________?

8. Tom and Brad usually play online games, ________________?

9. This exercise isn’t difficult, ___________________?

10. Fiona can play football very well, ________________?

11. They aren’t enjoying dinner, ________________?

12. A spider has got seven legs, ________________?

Task 3: Put in the simple past or present perfect. Look at the example (0) first.

0. Why _______________ you do that yesterday? (not / do)
--> Why didn't you do that yesterday?

1. _________ you ever _________ Kerry? (meet)
--> Have....

2. We ____________ them in the park some days ago. (see)
--> ...

3. Have you _______________ Dublin? (ever / visit)
--> ...

4. They _________________ us any pictures yet. (not / show)
--> ...

5. In 2017, we _____________ to Dublin. (fly)
--> ...

6. They ______________________ their homework. Now they can play outside. (already / do)
--> ...

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" SPÄTESTENS am Dienstag, den 30.01.2024 (Klasse 7c) Mittwoch, den 31.01.2024 (Klasse 7a) in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)