Mittwoch, 22. März 2023

Third "joker exercise" & exercises for the third written test (class 8b)

Write your answers on a piece of paper! Do NOT use your ipads, otherwise you won't get a "joker" card! Letzter Abgabetermin: 29 March 2023

Task 1: Fill in the correct passive forms.

 John Doe is the most famous and the richest basketball player in the whole world. He currently plays for a team in NYC. He … (not / born) there but moved to the city to start his career. He … (pay) a lot of money by the club’s owners. The other players on the team … (pay) a lot, too, but John gets the most. This year, John …  (already / give) a new automobile! All the other players … (give) free food by a big department store every week. Last year, John … (offer) about 30 million $ to move to another club but he refused to leave his club. Now John … (pay) an extra ten thousand dollars each time he throws a basket. Earlier this year he … (inform) that the team is really happy with his performances. Therefore, John … (offer) a new contract next week. But bad things have happened to John, too. Once he … (send) some online threats by a crazy fan. After that he … (give) two security guards by his club. One or the other is with him the whole time.


Task 2: If clauses. Fill in the missing verb forms of the words in brackets. (If clauses type 0, type 1 and type 2).

1.  If John (not / listen) to his brother, he'll be really angry.

2. The program starts if you (press) that button.

3. If Sam and Kelly tried harder, they (do better) at football.

4. If Tom(jump) into the water, he (get) wet.

5. If you (not / hurry), you'll miss the bus!

6. You should go to bed if you (feel) tired.

7. Tom (donate) some money to his favourite club if he won in the lottery.

8. If a glass bottle (fall) to the ground, it (break).

Task 3: What has happened? Make present perfect passive sentences. Look at the examples (0) first.

 0. The criminal / send / to prison

à The criminal has been sent to prison.

 0. Grizzly bears / not / see / in that park

à Grizzly bears haven’t been seen in that park.

1. Two letters / send / to her


2. The singer / not invite / to the show yet


3. Money / collect / to help people in need


4. All the players / already / interview / by the reporters


5. More than three goals / score / by FC Augsburg



More exercises can be found online! Just ask your teacher! :-)