Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2022

First "Joker exercise" (class 9d)

Important: Take a piece of paper and write down all the sentences (!). Otherwise you won't get your joker card. Do NOT print out these exercises! You MUST write down all the sentences!

Task 1: Write down at least four signal words for each tense.

simple present:

present progressive:

simple past:

present perfect:

Task 2: Fill in the missing verb forms. Underline the SIGNAL WORDS.

1. Mister L. _______________________ (feed) his cat yesterday.
2. Fiona _______________________ (always / practise) football after school.
3. Kelly _______________________ (fight) a bear at the moment.
4. Last Monday, she _______________________ (buy) a book in that store over there.
5. She _______________________ (receive) a medal after she __________________________ (win) the race.
6. I _______________________ (hopefully / be able to / buy) a house next year.
7. Currently, he ______________________ (do) a grammar exercise.
8. Jack _______________________ (enjoy) a shower when the radio suddenly _______________________ (stop).
9. You _______________________ (write) me a letter in 2019.
10. Tom _______________________ (read) the newspaper every day.
11. Currently, Ken _______________________ (learn) English.
12. The passengers _______________________ (feel) save before the Titanic _______________________ (hit) the iceberg.
13. While we ______________________ (enjoy) our meal, the cat suddenly _______________ (jump) on our dining table.
14. We _______________________ (marry) next year.
15. We _______________________ (watch) TV when the roof _______________________ (collapse).

Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct verb forms or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Ed Sheeran is on a TV show right He ___________________ (already / sing) three songs and he's about to perform his last song. All the fans are smiling ______________ (happy).

2. _______________________________ (to be / Ed / ever) to Germany before?

3. Ed ___________ (to love) to eat fish and vegetables. He ________________ (not / to like) hamburgers or meat.

4. Yesterday, his manager _______________ (to explain) Ed's plans for 2023 and 2024. He _____________________________ (to tour) through many countries ___________ (???) the whole world.

5. I found several interesting articles ________ (???) the internet which deal with his career.

6. Yesterday, he ___________ (to be) in Munich. _______________________ (he/ to visit) "Kaufinger Straße"?

7. Ed _________________________ (usually / to work) on Saturdays and Sundays. He

______________________  (always / to be) very busy.

8. The singer ____________________ (already / be) to Germany many times. Before Ed went on tour through Europe, he ___________________ (visit) the United States.

Aufgaben eingestellt: Dienstag, 13.12.2022
Abgabe der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: jederzeit via MS-Teams oder im Schulunterricht; letzter möglicher Termin: 20.12.2022!

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze abschreiben! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!