Montag, 14. November 2022

First "Joker" Exercise & Preparation for the first written test (class 8b)

Task 1: Form passive sentences. Mind the tense. Check the example (0) first!

 0. Kelly always decorates the Christmas tree.

à The Christmas tree is always decorated by Kelly.

1. Sam bought a brand-new umbrella yesterday.

à Yesterday, …

2. Joanne K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books some years ago.

à Some years ago, …

3. The team plays basketball every day.

--> Every day, ...

4. They didn’t take the photos in 2020.

à In 2020, ...

5. Last week, a thief stole my car.

à Last week, …

6. That restaurant doesn’t offer fresh sandwiches.



Task 2: Comparison of adjectives. Fill in the right form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. This is a … (beautiful) dog. It's … (beautiful) my neighbor’s dog. 

2. I found some cheap books in that online store. However, our local shop offers even … (cheap) ones.

3. Some people say, Michael Jordan is … (good) basketball player of all time. Other people think, LeBron James is … (good) as Michael Jordan.

4. Stephen Curry isn’t … (successful) Michael Jordan.

5. The film is pretty …. (horrible), but the last one I watched was even … (bad).

6. He told me a … (funny) joke. It was actually … (funny) joke I’d ever heard.

7. Have you ever been to that amusement park? I think it’s the … (interesting) park in Germany because it has got several … (amazing) rides.


Task 3: Mixed Grammar. Fill in the missing forms of the words in brackets () or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Michael Jordan ... (to be) on a TV show right now. He ... (to talk) about his new documentary. All the fans in the audience are smiling ... (happy).

2. ... (to be / Michael / ever) to Germany before? 

3. Michael ... (to love) to eat fish and vegetables. He ... (not / to eat) hamburgers or meat very often.

4. Michael was an ... (amazing) basketball player and many people think he always ... (to play / good).

5. Michael Jordan ... (be born) in New York City ... (???) 1963.


Letzter möglicher Abgabetermin der komplett abgeschriebenen drei Aufgaben am Montag, den 21.11.2022! Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)