Montag, 27. Juni 2022

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 4. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

 Task 1: Fill in the correct present perfect progressive forms.

Kathy:        Sorry, I’m late.
Corey:      That’s OK. I ___haven’t been waiting______ (I / not / wait) long. What  __________________________ (you / do)?
Kathy:        ___________________________ (I / talk) to my best friend about my favourite actress, Millie Bobby Brown.
Corey:       Oh, I've heard a lot about her. She's amazing!
Kathy:       Yeah, everyone ___________________________ (talk) about her latest film.
Corey:      _________________________________ (I / not watch) films lately because ______________________________ (I / work) for my history project.

Task 2: Fill in the correct adjective or adverb.

1. Kelly is a very ... (nice) girl and she can dance very ... (good).
2. The sunlight was very ... (bright) and they couldn’t see a thing when they left the cinema.
3. She plays football ... (fantastic) and she can kick the ball very hard.
 4. ... (near) 150 people can to the music concert.

5. They walked ... (slow) down the hall and talked ... (quiet).
6. They speak English very ... (good).
7. The whole class liked the ... (spectacular) film.
8. Christiano Ronaldo is ... (high) respected around the world.
9. Mr Smith likes ... (good) food, especially pasta is his favourite.
10. He acted ... (excellent) in that play. He’s an ... (excellent) actor!

Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. I'm really interested ________ (???) football and I ________________ (absolute / love) to watch games on TV.

2. Mr L. is still standing at the bus stop. He _______________________ (stand) there for almost 10 minutes.

3. Right now, Corey __________________ (listen) to music on his mobile phone. He _______________ (always / to listen) to music after school.

4. Some days ago, Kelly __________________ (buy) an amazing skirt ___________ (???) she'll wear next week.

5. I know a man ____________ (???) car is yellow.

6. Alex always speaks ___________ (quiet) because he's really __________ (shy).

7. Mr Smith has been ill __________ (???) Friday.

8. At nine o'clock, Fiona and Ben ________________ (dance) at the disco.
Letzter möglicher Abgabetermin der komplett abgeschriebenen drei Aufgaben am Montag, den 04.07.2022! Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)