Mittwoch, 20. April 2022

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 3. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

 Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 3. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze ABSCHREIBEN! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Remember the rules for the "If-clauses" before you start:

If clauses type          If clause               main clause (Hauptsatz)

If clauses type 1:     Simple Present       will/can/must/should + infinitive
If clauses type 2:     Simple Past            would + infinitive

0. If you do (do) this exercise, Mr L. will be (be) glad. (type 1)

1. If I had (have) enough money, I would buy (buy) a nice house. (type 2).


 Task 1: Fill in the correct if-clauses type 1.

 1. If she ________________ (open) the windows, the wind _________________ (come) in.

2. If Sally ________________ (fail) the test, she ________________ (do) it again.

3. Kelly _____________________ (not / get) a certificate if she __________________ (fail) the test.

4. Kelly___________________ (not / fly) to London if she ___________________ (not / have) enough money.

5. If you ________________ (need) money, Sally _________________ (lend) you some.

6. I ________________ (visit) my sister in London if she _________________ (not / feel) well.

7. Sally _______________ (buy) the drinks for the party if Kelly _____________ (prepare) the salad.

Task 2: Fill in the correct if-clauses type 2.

1. If Jeff __________________ (do) his English homework regularly, he __________________ (do) better at school.

2. If she __________________ (stay) late up at night, she __________________ (be) tired the text day.

3. Tom and Jeff __________________ (play) on the team if they __________________ (be) older).

4. If I __________________ (be) you, I __________________ (listen) to your older siblings..

5. We __________________ (go) outside if the weather __________________ (be) nicer.

6. If she __________________ (have) a million Dollars, she __________________ (buy) a fast car.

7. If you __________________ (tell) her the truth, she __________________ (not / be) angry.

Task 3: Say it in English. Use an if-clause (type 1 or type 2!)

1. Ich werde einkaufen gehen, wenn ich mein Geld finde.

2. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich das Buch lesen.

3. Wenn mein Fuß schmerzt/wehtut, werde ich nicht Fußball spielen.

4. Ich werde nach London fliegen, wenn ich einen billigen Flug bekomme.


Task 4: FUTURE SIGNAL WORDS. Write down at least five more signal words. 

tomorrow, ....

Task 5: Make sentences using the "going to" future. 

0. New York / my parents and I / to fly to / this summer

--> This summer, my parents and I are going to fly to New York. 

1. in the park / I / to go skating / with my friends / later

--> Later, I... 

2.  in the city center / my older sister / meet her friends / tomorrow

--> Tomorrow, ....

3.  this evening / watch football / with my mum and dad / I

--> This evening, ...

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" SPÄTESTENS am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2022 in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)