Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022

Second "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 2. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze ABSCHREIBEN! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Right now, Kelly ________________________ (read) a book about Ireland.

2. Next year, I _________________________ (probably / travel) to Dublin with my family.

3. This is a "question tag", ___________ (???) it?

4. Some weeks ago, my parents ______________ (buy) a new bike for my little sister.

5. I _______________________________ (never / visit) Dublin, but I would like to do that in the future.

6. ________ (???) 2020, Mrs Murphy and Ethan watched a Gaelic football match. It _________ (be) really exciting.

7. She really _____________ (enjoy) reading a lot. It's her favourite hobby.

8. In December 2021, Kelly ________________ (draw) a fantastic picture for her best friend.

Task 2: Fill in the correct question tags.

1. She never listens to music, ________________?

2. Tom’s in the room, ______________?

3. They have watched an amazing film, ________________?

4. Kelly and Tom haven’t bought a new comic, ________________?

5. You usually watch films, ________________?

6. Fiona wanted to download that song, ________________?

7. We’ll travel to Ireland next week, ________________?

8. Tom and Brad usually play online games, ________________?

9. This exercise isn’t difficult, ___________________?

10. Fiona can play football very well, ________________?

11. They aren’t enjoying dinner, ________________?

12. A spider has got seven legs, ________________?

Task 3: Put in the simple past or present perfect. Look at the example (0) first.

0. Why _______________ you do that yesterday? (not / do)
--> Why didn't you do that yesterday?

1. _________ you ever _________ Sam? (meet)
--> Have....

2. We ____________ them in the park some days ago. (see)
--> ...

3. Have you _______________ Dublin? (ever / visit)
--> ...

4. They _________________ us any pictures yet. (not / show)
--> ...

5. In 2017, we _____________ to Dublin. (fly)
--> ...

6. They ______________________ their homework. Now they can play outside. (already / do)
--> ...

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" SPÄTESTENS am Montag, den 31.01.2022 in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)