Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2022

First "Joker exercise" (class 9d)

Important: Take a piece of paper and write down all the sentences (!). Otherwise you won't get your joker card. Do NOT print out these exercises! You MUST write down all the sentences!

Task 1: Write down at least four signal words for each tense.

simple present:

present progressive:

simple past:

present perfect:

Task 2: Fill in the missing verb forms. Underline the SIGNAL WORDS.

1. Mister L. _______________________ (feed) his cat yesterday.
2. Fiona _______________________ (always / practise) football after school.
3. Kelly _______________________ (fight) a bear at the moment.
4. Last Monday, she _______________________ (buy) a book in that store over there.
5. She _______________________ (receive) a medal after she __________________________ (win) the race.
6. I _______________________ (hopefully / be able to / buy) a house next year.
7. Currently, he ______________________ (do) a grammar exercise.
8. Jack _______________________ (enjoy) a shower when the radio suddenly _______________________ (stop).
9. You _______________________ (write) me a letter in 2019.
10. Tom _______________________ (read) the newspaper every day.
11. Currently, Ken _______________________ (learn) English.
12. The passengers _______________________ (feel) save before the Titanic _______________________ (hit) the iceberg.
13. While we ______________________ (enjoy) our meal, the cat suddenly _______________ (jump) on our dining table.
14. We _______________________ (marry) next year.
15. We _______________________ (watch) TV when the roof _______________________ (collapse).

Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct verb forms or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Ed Sheeran is on a TV show right He ___________________ (already / sing) three songs and he's about to perform his last song. All the fans are smiling ______________ (happy).

2. _______________________________ (to be / Ed / ever) to Germany before?

3. Ed ___________ (to love) to eat fish and vegetables. He ________________ (not / to like) hamburgers or meat.

4. Yesterday, his manager _______________ (to explain) Ed's plans for 2023 and 2024. He _____________________________ (to tour) through many countries ___________ (???) the whole world.

5. I found several interesting articles ________ (???) the internet which deal with his career.

6. Yesterday, he ___________ (to be) in Munich. _______________________ (he/ to visit) "Kaufinger Straße"?

7. Ed _________________________ (usually / to work) on Saturdays and Sundays. He

______________________  (always / to be) very busy.

8. The singer ____________________ (already / be) to Germany many times. Before Ed went on tour through Europe, he ___________________ (visit) the United States.

Aufgaben eingestellt: Dienstag, 13.12.2022
Abgabe der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: jederzeit via MS-Teams oder im Schulunterricht; letzter möglicher Termin: 20.12.2022!

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze abschreiben! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Montag, 14. November 2022

First "Joker" Exercise & Preparation for the first written test (class 8b)

Task 1: Form passive sentences. Mind the tense. Check the example (0) first!

 0. Kelly always decorates the Christmas tree.

à The Christmas tree is always decorated by Kelly.

1. Sam bought a brand-new umbrella yesterday.

à Yesterday, …

2. Joanne K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books some years ago.

à Some years ago, …

3. The team plays basketball every day.

--> Every day, ...

4. They didn’t take the photos in 2020.

à In 2020, ...

5. Last week, a thief stole my car.

à Last week, …

6. That restaurant doesn’t offer fresh sandwiches.



Task 2: Comparison of adjectives. Fill in the right form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. This is a … (beautiful) dog. It's … (beautiful) my neighbor’s dog. 

2. I found some cheap books in that online store. However, our local shop offers even … (cheap) ones.

3. Some people say, Michael Jordan is … (good) basketball player of all time. Other people think, LeBron James is … (good) as Michael Jordan.

4. Stephen Curry isn’t … (successful) Michael Jordan.

5. The film is pretty …. (horrible), but the last one I watched was even … (bad).

6. He told me a … (funny) joke. It was actually … (funny) joke I’d ever heard.

7. Have you ever been to that amusement park? I think it’s the … (interesting) park in Germany because it has got several … (amazing) rides.


Task 3: Mixed Grammar. Fill in the missing forms of the words in brackets () or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Michael Jordan ... (to be) on a TV show right now. He ... (to talk) about his new documentary. All the fans in the audience are smiling ... (happy).

2. ... (to be / Michael / ever) to Germany before? 

3. Michael ... (to love) to eat fish and vegetables. He ... (not / to eat) hamburgers or meat very often.

4. Michael was an ... (amazing) basketball player and many people think he always ... (to play / good).

5. Michael Jordan ... (be born) in New York City ... (???) 1963.


Letzter möglicher Abgabetermin der komplett abgeschriebenen drei Aufgaben am Montag, den 21.11.2022! Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)

Montag, 27. Juni 2022

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 4. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

 Task 1: Fill in the correct present perfect progressive forms.

Kathy:        Sorry, I’m late.
Corey:      That’s OK. I ___haven’t been waiting______ (I / not / wait) long. What  __________________________ (you / do)?
Kathy:        ___________________________ (I / talk) to my best friend about my favourite actress, Millie Bobby Brown.
Corey:       Oh, I've heard a lot about her. She's amazing!
Kathy:       Yeah, everyone ___________________________ (talk) about her latest film.
Corey:      _________________________________ (I / not watch) films lately because ______________________________ (I / work) for my history project.

Task 2: Fill in the correct adjective or adverb.

1. Kelly is a very ... (nice) girl and she can dance very ... (good).
2. The sunlight was very ... (bright) and they couldn’t see a thing when they left the cinema.
3. She plays football ... (fantastic) and she can kick the ball very hard.
 4. ... (near) 150 people can to the music concert.

5. They walked ... (slow) down the hall and talked ... (quiet).
6. They speak English very ... (good).
7. The whole class liked the ... (spectacular) film.
8. Christiano Ronaldo is ... (high) respected around the world.
9. Mr Smith likes ... (good) food, especially pasta is his favourite.
10. He acted ... (excellent) in that play. He’s an ... (excellent) actor!

Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. I'm really interested ________ (???) football and I ________________ (absolute / love) to watch games on TV.

2. Mr L. is still standing at the bus stop. He _______________________ (stand) there for almost 10 minutes.

3. Right now, Corey __________________ (listen) to music on his mobile phone. He _______________ (always / to listen) to music after school.

4. Some days ago, Kelly __________________ (buy) an amazing skirt ___________ (???) she'll wear next week.

5. I know a man ____________ (???) car is yellow.

6. Alex always speaks ___________ (quiet) because he's really __________ (shy).

7. Mr Smith has been ill __________ (???) Friday.

8. At nine o'clock, Fiona and Ben ________________ (dance) at the disco.
Letzter möglicher Abgabetermin der komplett abgeschriebenen drei Aufgaben am Montag, den 04.07.2022! Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)

Mittwoch, 20. April 2022

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 3. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

 Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 3. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze ABSCHREIBEN! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Remember the rules for the "If-clauses" before you start:

If clauses type          If clause               main clause (Hauptsatz)

If clauses type 1:     Simple Present       will/can/must/should + infinitive
If clauses type 2:     Simple Past            would + infinitive

0. If you do (do) this exercise, Mr L. will be (be) glad. (type 1)

1. If I had (have) enough money, I would buy (buy) a nice house. (type 2).


 Task 1: Fill in the correct if-clauses type 1.

 1. If she ________________ (open) the windows, the wind _________________ (come) in.

2. If Sally ________________ (fail) the test, she ________________ (do) it again.

3. Kelly _____________________ (not / get) a certificate if she __________________ (fail) the test.

4. Kelly___________________ (not / fly) to London if she ___________________ (not / have) enough money.

5. If you ________________ (need) money, Sally _________________ (lend) you some.

6. I ________________ (visit) my sister in London if she _________________ (not / feel) well.

7. Sally _______________ (buy) the drinks for the party if Kelly _____________ (prepare) the salad.

Task 2: Fill in the correct if-clauses type 2.

1. If Jeff __________________ (do) his English homework regularly, he __________________ (do) better at school.

2. If she __________________ (stay) late up at night, she __________________ (be) tired the text day.

3. Tom and Jeff __________________ (play) on the team if they __________________ (be) older).

4. If I __________________ (be) you, I __________________ (listen) to your older siblings..

5. We __________________ (go) outside if the weather __________________ (be) nicer.

6. If she __________________ (have) a million Dollars, she __________________ (buy) a fast car.

7. If you __________________ (tell) her the truth, she __________________ (not / be) angry.

Task 3: Say it in English. Use an if-clause (type 1 or type 2!)

1. Ich werde einkaufen gehen, wenn ich mein Geld finde.

2. Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich das Buch lesen.

3. Wenn mein Fuß schmerzt/wehtut, werde ich nicht Fußball spielen.

4. Ich werde nach London fliegen, wenn ich einen billigen Flug bekomme.


Task 4: FUTURE SIGNAL WORDS. Write down at least five more signal words. 

tomorrow, ....

Task 5: Make sentences using the "going to" future. 

0. New York / my parents and I / to fly to / this summer

--> This summer, my parents and I are going to fly to New York. 

1. in the park / I / to go skating / with my friends / later

--> Later, I... 

2.  in the city center / my older sister / meet her friends / tomorrow

--> Tomorrow, ....

3.  this evening / watch football / with my mum and dad / I

--> This evening, ...

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" SPÄTESTENS am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2022 in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)

Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2022

Second "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 2. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze ABSCHREIBEN! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Right now, Kelly ________________________ (read) a book about Ireland.

2. Next year, I _________________________ (probably / travel) to Dublin with my family.

3. This is a "question tag", ___________ (???) it?

4. Some weeks ago, my parents ______________ (buy) a new bike for my little sister.

5. I _______________________________ (never / visit) Dublin, but I would like to do that in the future.

6. ________ (???) 2020, Mrs Murphy and Ethan watched a Gaelic football match. It _________ (be) really exciting.

7. She really _____________ (enjoy) reading a lot. It's her favourite hobby.

8. In December 2021, Kelly ________________ (draw) a fantastic picture for her best friend.

Task 2: Fill in the correct question tags.

1. She never listens to music, ________________?

2. Tom’s in the room, ______________?

3. They have watched an amazing film, ________________?

4. Kelly and Tom haven’t bought a new comic, ________________?

5. You usually watch films, ________________?

6. Fiona wanted to download that song, ________________?

7. We’ll travel to Ireland next week, ________________?

8. Tom and Brad usually play online games, ________________?

9. This exercise isn’t difficult, ___________________?

10. Fiona can play football very well, ________________?

11. They aren’t enjoying dinner, ________________?

12. A spider has got seven legs, ________________?

Task 3: Put in the simple past or present perfect. Look at the example (0) first.

0. Why _______________ you do that yesterday? (not / do)
--> Why didn't you do that yesterday?

1. _________ you ever _________ Sam? (meet)
--> Have....

2. We ____________ them in the park some days ago. (see)
--> ...

3. Have you _______________ Dublin? (ever / visit)
--> ...

4. They _________________ us any pictures yet. (not / show)
--> ...

5. In 2017, we _____________ to Dublin. (fly)
--> ...

6. They ______________________ their homework. Now they can play outside. (already / do)
--> ...

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" SPÄTESTENS am Montag, den 31.01.2022 in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen. :-)