Sonntag, 9. Mai 2021

second "joker exercise" & Vorbereitung auf die 2. Schulaufgabe

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze abschreiben! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

 Task 1: Write down all the signal words for these tenses.

simple present:
sometimes, ....

present progressive:
look!, ....

going to future: tomorrow, ...


Task 2: Simple present OR present progressive? Fill in the correct forms.

1. Every day the train __ (to arrive) at the train station at 6 p.m. --> ...

2. Kelly __ (not / to make) a cake now. --> ...

3. Lucy always __ (to feed) her cat before she leaves the house. --> ...

4. Look! Sam __ (to dance) with his friends. --> ...

5. Joe often __ (to visit) his best friend. --> ...

6. I __ (to eat) salad every single day. --> ...

7. Sam and Kelly __ (not / to eat) hamburgers at the moment. They're eating some salad. --> ...


Task 3: Simple past OR past progressive? Fill in the missing verb forms.

1.    We ______________________________________ (sing) together when the music ____________________________ (stop).

2.    While we ______________________________________ (watch) TV, we ______________________________________ (hear) a noise outside.

3.    Kelly ______________________________________ (dance) with her friends when the lights ______________________________________ (go) out.

Task 4: Comparison of adjectives: form correct sentences with the adjectives in bold (= fettgedruckt)

 (nice)                         cat (***)               dog (**)               hamster (*)            

 1. The cat __________________________________________ the dog.

2. The hamster __________________________ nice as the cat.

3. The cat __________________________________________ pet.


 (interesting)                    film (*)               cartoon (**)               book (***)            

 1. The book _________________________________________ the film.

2. The cartoon  _________________________ interesting ______________________ the book.

3. The book __________________________________________ thing of all three.


Task 5: Make sentences using the “going to future”. Find the correct form of "to be"! Look at the example (0) first.

0. going / we / on Sunday / to play games / "to be"
→ We are going to play games on Sunday.

1. have / we / going to / "to be" / an online lesson
→ _________________________________________________________________.


2. watch / Mr L. / going to / on Saturday / football / "to be"
→ ________________________________________________________________.


3. meet / I / going to / some / "to be" / friends in the park
→ _________________________________________________________________.


4. they / not / swim / in the lake / "to be" / going to
→ _______________________________________________________________.


Aufgaben eingestellt: Sonntag, 09.05.2021
Abgabe der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: jederzeit via MS-Teams; letzter möglicher Termin: 17.05.2021 um 17:00 Uhr!

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze abschreiben! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!