Dienstag, 23. November 2021

First "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 1. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

First "joker" exercise & Übungsaufgaben für die 1. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7b)

 Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze abschreiben! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

Task 1: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Right now, you ________________________ (do) an exercise for your English test.

2. Next year, I _________________________ (probably / travel) to London to meet my best friend.

3. Tommy gave the book _________ (???) another boy in his class.

4. That answer was correct. You're _________________ (absolute) right.

5. Are you interested ________ (???) soccer?

6. How long have you lived there? - Well, __________ (???) 2018.

7. She really _____________ (enjoy) reading a lot. It's her favourite hobby.

8. In 2017, Kelly ________________ (buy) a fantastic hat when she ________ (be) in London.

Task 2: Fill in the correct relative pronoun. If you don't need a relative pronoun (= contact clause) then write an X one the line.

1. Jeff _________________ favourite hobby is soccer supports Liverpool FC.
2. This is the girl _________________ bought a new bike last Monday.
3. Fiona and Sally are the girls _________________  Jeff met in Munich.
4. This is the woman _________________ house was on fire.
5. Felix de Laet is a DJ _________________ comes from Belgium.
6. He likes to eat hamburgers _________________ are spicy.
7. The thief stole the bike _________________ Fiona forgot in front of her house.
8. Can I talk to the man _________________ is waiting in that room?
9. Jeff, _________________ doesn't live in Munich, is from New York City.

Task 3: Form contact clauses! Look at the example first.

0. FC Augsburg is the team. Mr L. supports it. --> FC Augsburg is the team Mr L. supports.

1. I gave you a CD. It's new. --> The CD...
2. I am reading a book at the moment. It's marvellous. --> ...

3. The game is great. I bought it yesterday. --> ...

4. He lives in a house. The house is new. --> ...

Abgabe der komplett abgeschriebenen "joker exercises" am Montag, den 29.11.2021 in der Englischstunde. Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "joker" Kärtchen.

Sonntag, 9. Mai 2021

second "joker exercise" & Vorbereitung auf die 2. Schulaufgabe

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze abschreiben! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!

 Task 1: Write down all the signal words for these tenses.

simple present:
sometimes, ....

present progressive:
look!, ....

going to future: tomorrow, ...


Task 2: Simple present OR present progressive? Fill in the correct forms.

1. Every day the train __ (to arrive) at the train station at 6 p.m. --> ...

2. Kelly __ (not / to make) a cake now. --> ...

3. Lucy always __ (to feed) her cat before she leaves the house. --> ...

4. Look! Sam __ (to dance) with his friends. --> ...

5. Joe often __ (to visit) his best friend. --> ...

6. I __ (to eat) salad every single day. --> ...

7. Sam and Kelly __ (not / to eat) hamburgers at the moment. They're eating some salad. --> ...


Task 3: Simple past OR past progressive? Fill in the missing verb forms.

1.    We ______________________________________ (sing) together when the music ____________________________ (stop).

2.    While we ______________________________________ (watch) TV, we ______________________________________ (hear) a noise outside.

3.    Kelly ______________________________________ (dance) with her friends when the lights ______________________________________ (go) out.

Task 4: Comparison of adjectives: form correct sentences with the adjectives in bold (= fettgedruckt)

 (nice)                         cat (***)               dog (**)               hamster (*)            

 1. The cat __________________________________________ the dog.

2. The hamster __________________________ nice as the cat.

3. The cat __________________________________________ pet.


 (interesting)                    film (*)               cartoon (**)               book (***)            

 1. The book _________________________________________ the film.

2. The cartoon  _________________________ interesting ______________________ the book.

3. The book __________________________________________ thing of all three.


Task 5: Make sentences using the “going to future”. Find the correct form of "to be"! Look at the example (0) first.

0. going / we / on Sunday / to play games / "to be"
→ We are going to play games on Sunday.

1. have / we / going to / "to be" / an online lesson
→ _________________________________________________________________.


2. watch / Mr L. / going to / on Saturday / football / "to be"
→ ________________________________________________________________.


3. meet / I / going to / some / "to be" / friends in the park
→ _________________________________________________________________.


4. they / not / swim / in the lake / "to be" / going to
→ _______________________________________________________________.


Aufgaben eingestellt: Sonntag, 09.05.2021
Abgabe der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: jederzeit via MS-Teams; letzter möglicher Termin: 17.05.2021 um 17:00 Uhr!

Beachte: Bitte alle Sätze abschreiben! Du bekommst sonst kein "Joker Kärtchen"!