Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2020

first "joker exercise" class 6b & Vorbereitung auf die 1. Schulaufgabe

Task 1: Find the missing verb forms (simple past & past participle (3. Verbform)) and write them down. Look at the example (0) first.

0: to go - went - gone

1: to build - _________ - _________
2: to draw - _________ - _________
3: to see - _________ - _________
4: to buy - _________ - _________
5: to do - _________ - _________
6: to fly - _________ - _________
7: to have -_________ - _________
8: to give - _________ - _________
9: to fall - _________ - _________
10: to choose - _________ - _________

Task 2: Form sentences with the correct present perfect form! Remember: You need have/has + past participle (3. Verbform) to form the present perfect. The signal words (already, never...) stand before the past participle. Be careful: Yet stands at the end of the sentence.

0. She has already seen (already / see) Ariana Grande two times in concert.

1. They _____________________________ (not / watch) the new "Minions" film, yet.

2. Sue and Fiona _______________________ (write) a long e-mail to their best friend.

3. Lucy  _______________________ (buy) a new shirt for her brother.

4. ________________________________ (you / do / already) your maths homework? - Yes, I 

_____________ (???).

5. Fiona _______________________ (build) a brand-new tree house in the garden.

6. I ______________________ (never / eat) fish and chips before.

7. ________________________ (Kelly / already / visit) her best friend? - No, she ____________ (???).

8. ____________________________ (they / ever / be) to London? - No, they _____________ (???).

Task 3: Write down all the signal words for these tenses.

simple past: yesterday, ....

present perfect: yet, ...

Task 4: Simple past OR present perfect? First underline the signal words. Then find the correct forms.

1. Bart Simpson _______________ (win) a price last year. He ____________ (be) really happy about that. He _____________ (give) it to Lisa.

2. Bart ____________________ (already / watched) TV for two hours. Now, he wants to play outside.

3. Yesterday, Homer ____________ (buy) a doughnut. He _______________ (eat) it very fast.

4. Lisa and Bart ______________________  (not / come) home, yet.

5. Bart _____________________  (not / visit) Milhouse last week.

6. Maggie and Marge ________________  (not / be) to the zoo yet. But they ____________________ (already / have / be) to the cinema many times.

7. The Comic Book Guy ____________ (go) to the cinema last Friday. He ____________ (like) the film a lot and he ____________ (watch) it two times on that day.

Task 5: Write down all the signal words for these tenses.

simple present:
sometimes, ....

present progressive:
listen!, ....


Task 6: Simple present OR present progressive? Fill in the correct forms.

0. Look! The dog __ (to run). --> Look! The dog is running

1. Every day the train __ (to arrive) at the train station at 6 p.m. --> ...

2. Kelly __ (not / to make) a cake now. --> ...

3. Lucy always __ (to feed) her cat before she leaves the house. --> ...

4. Look! Sam __ (to go) to a fast food restaurant. --> ...

5. Joe often __ (to visit) his best friend. --> ...

6. I __ (to eat) salad every second day. --> ...

7. Sam and Kelly __ (not / to eat) hamburgers at the moment. They're eating some salad. --> ...


Aufgaben online gestellt am 28.10.2020. Abgabe der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen Aufgaben am Montag nach den Herbstferien (09.11.2020). Du bekommst dann die Lösungen von deinem Lehrer und dein "Jokerkärtchen".