Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2020

"joker exercise" für die kommenden Pfingstferien (Klasse 5b)

WICHTIG: Write down ALL the sentences on a piece of paper and give it to your teacher. He will give you the answers and two "joker cards". Then you can correct your answers. You can use the cards next school year!

Schreibe alle Sätze auf ein Blatt Papier und gib es deinem Lehrer. Er wird dir dann die Musterlösung und zwei "Joker-Kärtchen" geben. Du kannst dann deine Antworten selbst verbessern. Die Kärtchen können auch nächstes Schuljahr eingelöst werden!

Abgabe: Gib deinem Lehrer deine abgeschriebene "joker exercise", wenn du ihn wieder persönlich im Unterricht siehst.

Task 1: Vocabulary exercise. Find the missing words. Check book page 200 & 201 for help!
1. The letters UK stand for ______________________________.

2. Our _____________________ ("Nachbarn") live next to us.

3. Yesterday, we __________________ ("besuchten") our uncle in London.

4. 60 minutes = one _____________

5. Fürth is ____________ Nürnberg. Passau isn't.

6. What is missing? North, east, west and _____________

7. The students ___________________ ("organisierten") a cake sale.

8. one person - many ______________

9. Chocolate cake is my favourite ________________ ("Nachspeise").

10. The opposite of "king" is _________________.

Task 2: Write down the complete (!) text von a piece of paper and fill in the missing simple past forms.

Last summer, the Smiths __________ (stay) at a hotel in London. They really _____________ (like) it there. The family ______________________ (enjoy) the weather and ______________ (love) the hotel and the food. They ___________ (eat) English breakfast in the morning and they drank coffee and hot chocolate. Later, they ____________ (buy) nice new clothes.

George and Kelly ___________ (say) they also liked the trip. They often ______________ (take) their bikes around town. In the evening they ______________ (go) for a long walk and __________ (see) many people in the streets. George _________________ (take) lots of photos with his brand-new camera.

Task 3: Write sentences with "didn't. 

Remember the rule: 

didn't + infinitive 

0. Yesterday / Mr L. / not watch football / on TV

--> Yesterday, Mr L. didn't watch football on TV.  oder: Mr L. didn't watch football on TV yesterday.

1. with his friends / Yesterday / Luke / not play softball

--> Yesterday, Luke...   (...)                              oder: (...)

2. Last week / to his favourite music / Luke / not listen

3. in his room / Luke / on Monday / not play computer

4. a chocolate cake with strawberries / Olivia / not eat / last week

5. in the garden / last weekend / Luke and Lucy / not work

Task 4: Put in "was" or "were". 

1. It __________ a great day yesterday.

2.The girls and boys __________at home and had breakfast together.

3. The presents they got __________ very nice.

4. One boy __________ really happy: He got his favourite computer game!

5. Then they watched a film. It __________ nice.

6. They ate popcorn and a lot of sweets. Oliver __________crazy about the sweets and wanted to eat all of them.

7. The chocolate cake __________ really yummy, too!

8. The day __________ perfect and all the boys and girls __________ happy!

Task 5: Say it in English. Use "always", "sometimes", "never" or "often"! (Achte darauf, dass diese Häufigkeitsadverbien immer VOR dem Verb stehen!)

0. Die Schule beginnt immer um 8 Uhr.

--> School always starts at 8 o'clock.

1. Am Sonntag schaue ich oft TV.

2. Ich esse immer Äpfel.

3. Luke geht immer spät ins Bett.

4. Jay ist immer beschäftigt.

5. Sie vergessen nie meinen Geburtstag.

6. Olivia spielt manchmal Korbball.

7. Emily geht oft ins Kino.

8. Sherlock isst nie Schokolade.