Sonntag, 5. Januar 2020

NEW "joker exercise" class 5b (January, 2020)

Write down ALL the sentences on a piece of paper.
Schreibe alle Sätze auf ein Blatt Papier und gib es deinem Lehrer. Er wird dir dann die Musterlösung und ein "Joker-Kärtchen" geben. Letzter Abgabetermin: Englischstunde am Freitag, 10.01.2020)

Task 1: Fill in the correct vocabulary. Mind the correct form!

0. Mr L: "A happy new (<--> old) year for you and your family!"

1. __________ (???) is the bathroom? - It's next to the living-room.

2. Can you fly? - No, I _____________  (<--> can fly).

3. I really ____________ (<--> hate) Mondays.

4. A synonym for "thanks" is ____________________.

5. One, two, _________, four, __________, six

6. How do you _______________ (“schreiben”) the word “together”?

6. I love to ________________ (???) water and lemonade.

7. The teacher says: “______________________ (“Nehmt heraus”) your homework, please!”

8. ______________________________?  - I'm twelve.

9. _____________ (???) is Kelly? - She is Tom's sister

10. Find five more words: school, blackboard, chairs, teacher, ....

Task 2: Say it in English. 

0. Kelly hat ein rotes Fahrrad. --> Kelly has got a red bike.

1. Wo ist der Ball? --> ______________________________

2. Die Fledermaus ist unter dem Baum. --> ______________________________

3. Da sind zwei Radiergummis auf dem Regal. --> ______________________________

4. Sie hat keinen Stift. --> ______________________________

5. Wie geht es dir? --> ______________________________

6. Warum bist du zu spät? --> ______________________________

Task 3: Put in the right form. Use 's, s' or of

0. Sherlock is Luke's (Luke) dog.

1. That's  _______________ (Sam) bike. It's cool.

2. Red is the colour _________________________________ (your exercise book).

3. Olivia is _______________ (Lucy) sister.

4. The cats are _______________ (James) pets.

5. The name ____________________ (team) is FC Augsburg! :-)

6. __________________ (Oliver) cat is crazy.

7. There are ___________________ (Thomas) pets, two guinea pigs!