Samstag, 16. November 2019

"joker exercise" class 5b


Write down ALL the sentences on a piece of paper.

Schreibe alle Sätze auf ein Blatt Papier und gib es deinem Lehrer. Er wird dir dann die Musterlösung und ein "Joker-Kärtchen" geben. Letzter Abgabetermin: Englischstunde am Dienstag, 26.11.2019!

Task 1: Fill in "haven't got" or "hasn't got".

Remember the form:

I haven't got a red pen.
You haven't got a red pen.
He, She, It hasn't got a red pen.
We haven't got a red pen.
You haven't got a red pen.
They haven't got a red pen.

0. Mr L. hasn't got two cats. He has got one.

1. We ____________________ a red car. It's blue!

2. My mum and dad __________________ a small kitchen. It's really big!

3. Olivia ___________________ three pens in her schoolbag. She's got two pens.

4. My brother __________________ long hair (= lange Haare). His hair is short.

5. My grandmother and my grandfather _____________________ three cars.

6. I can't open the door. I ________________ a key. (= Schlüssel)

7. The boys and girls have got three guinea pigs. They _______________________ five.

8. The rabbit _______________________ a lot of (= viele) carrots.

Task 2: Fill in the correct vocabulary. Mind the correct form. (= Achte auf die richtige Form!)

 0. The opposite (<-->) of grandmother is grandfather.

1. The opposite (<-->) of "old" is _______________.

2. What's missing? ---> Friday, Saturday, _______________ (???).

3. Let's play a computer ____________ ("Spiel") together.

4. My mother and my father make food in the ___________________ ("Küche").

5. Look, there are three ________________ ("Fledermäuse").

6. The plural of "baby" is ________________ and the plural of "mouse" is ______________.

7. Olivia says: "Where's my bed? - I'm ________________ (???) and I want to sleep."

8. "I think you're _________________ (<--> wrong)", says Luke.

9. Look, the ball is _______________ (<--> over) the table!

10. The girls and boys make a tree house. They're __________________ ("aufgeregt").

11. Find nine family words:  mum, half-sister,...

Task 3: Say it in English. 

0. Olivia hat keine Katze. --> Olivia hasn't got a cat.

1. Wo ist der Ball? --> ______________________________

2. Der Ball ist vor dem Baum. --> ______________________________

3. Da sind zwei Bücher auf dem Regal. --> ______________________________

4. Ich habe keinen Bruder. --> ______________________________

5. Wie geht es dir? --> ______________________________

6. Welche Farbe hat dein Telefon? - Es ist blau. --> ________________________________________

7. Woher kommst du? --> ______________________________

 8. Desmond ist Olivias Vater. --> ______________________________