Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2019

"joker exercise" & Übungsaufgaben für den 1. Leistungstest (Klasse 5b)


Diese Übungsaufgaben für den 1. Leistungstest sind freiwillig. Schreibe alle Sätze auf ein Blatt Papier und gib es deinem Lehrer. Er wird dir dann die Musterlösung und ein "Joker-Kärtchen" geben. Letzter Abgabetermin: Dienstag, 22.10.2019!

Das "Joker-Kärtchen" kannst du einsetzen, wenn du einmal die Hausaufgaben vergessen solltest.

Task 1: Find the correct personal pronoun and the form of "to be". (I'm, you're, he's, she's, it's, we're, you're, they're).

0. There are Fluff and Honey. ___They're____ Holly's pets.

1. Olivia is a girl. _____________ from England.

2. I have got a nice poster. ______________ new.

3. Peter is my father and ____________ cool.

4. There are Olivia and Luke. ______________ friends.

5. Look, there is my mum. ______________ nice.

6. Olivia says: _______________ a nice family.

7. This is my dog Sherlock and ______________ my friend.

8. I have two guinea pigs. ____________ sweet.

9. My name's Fiona and ___________ twelve.

10. There are Fiona's brothers. _____________ crazy.

Task 2: Replace the words in brackets with personal pronouns. Fill in the correct form of “be”. Use short forms. (Ersetze die Wörter in Klammern durch Personalpronomen und setze die richtige Form von „be“ ein. Verwende die Kurzformen.)

0. (Ben) ______He's_____ late for school.

1. (Timo)  ________________ nice.

2. (Olivia) _________________ in the classroom.

3. (The classroom) ____________________ new and big.

4. (Holly) ____________________ twelve.

5. Michael says: “____________________ happy. I like computer games!”

6. Timo and David: “________________ happy, too. Look, there is the English teacher, Mr Smith!"

7. (The English book) ____________________ in Timo’s school bag.

8. Look! The dog Henry is there. _________________ super nice.

Task 3: Put in the right form. Use 's, s' or of

0. Sherlock is Luke's (Luke) dog.

1. That's  _______________ (Olivia) bike. It's cool.

2. Blue is the colour _________________________ (your shoe).

3. Olivia is _______________ (Lucy) sister.

4. The cats are _______________ (James) pets.

5. The name ____________________ (team) is FC Bayern.

6. __________________ (Luke) dog is crazy.

7. There are ___________________ (Thomas) pets, two guinea pigs!

 Letzter Abgabetermin: Dienstag, 22.10.2019!