Montag, 30. September 2019

First Joker Exercise (class 9)

First Joker Exercise (class 9)

Important: Take a piece of paper and write down all the sentences (!). Otherwise you won't get your joker card. Do NOT print out these exercises! You MUST write down all the sentences!

Task 1: Form conditional clauses type I.

1. If I ______________ (to miss) the bus to school, I ___________ (to be) late.
2. Jack_____________ (to buy) a new pair of jeans if he
___________ (to get) more pocket money.
3. If Sally ______________ (to lose) her mobile phone on the bus, she _________________ (not / to be able to) call her friends.
4. If I ________________ (to get) a bad mark in my next Maths test, I ________________ (to be) sad.
5. I _______________ (to go) visit my best friend
if my sister _______________ (to have) no time at the weekend.
6. If it ____________ (to rain), we ______________ (not / to see) the mountains.
7. If we ______________ (to get) no homework today, I _______________ (to be) very happy.

Task 2:
Form conditional clauses type II.

1.    If Corey ________  (have) more time, he __________ (learn) French and German.
2.    If he __________  (sell) his car, he ______________ (buy) a new one.

3.    We _________ (come) to the party if it __________ (start) at 8 o'clock.
4.    If I ___________ (be) you, I _________________ (go / not) to that concert tonight because the music is absolutely awful.

5.    The boy _______________ (be) in the team if he ______________ (run) faster in the last game.
6.    If I _________________ (feel) better, I _____________________(go) to Munich with you. 

Task 3: Conditional clauses type 0, type I or type II? Fill in the missing verb forms.

1. If my brother _________________ (to give) me some money, I can buy a new skateboard.
2. Sarah _________________ (to phone) Laura more often if it was cheaper.
3. If you help me with the washing-up, I _________________ (to clean) your shoes.
4. If I _________________ (to be) you, I would tell my parents the truth.
5. Would you mind if I _________________ (to open) the window?

6. You _________________ (to go) to your room if you keep on shouting like this. 
7. If you __________________ (to jump) into the water, you get wet.

Aufgaben eingestellt am: 30.09.2019
letzter Abgabetermin der komplett (!) abgeschriebenen Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Freitag, den 11.10.2019