Dienstag, 8. Januar 2019

Joker Exercise (class 7e): Vorbereitung für die 2. Englischschulaufgabe


Task 1: Fill in the correct question tags.

1. She always listens to music, ________________?

2. Tom’s in the room, ______________?

3. They watched a marvellous film, ________________?

4. Kelly and Tom haven’t bought a new comic, ________________?

5. You usually watch films, ________________?

6. Fiona wanted to download that song, ________________?

7. We’ll travel to Ireland next week, ________________?

8. She never listens to you, ________________?

9. This exercise isn’t difficult, ___________________?

10. Fiona can play football very well, ________________?

11. They aren’t enjoying dinner, ________________?

12. A spider has got seven legs, ________________?

Task 2: Fill in the correct vocabulary.

1. 2000 years ago, the Romans  ____________ Britain.

2. They used ___________ (>< stupid) tactics.

3. In the year 43 AD the Romans ____________ (> used hands, guns etc. against another person) against the Britons.

4. Augustus was the first Roman __________________.

5. You need __________ when you want to write on the blackboard in our classroom.

6. A _____________ is a person who can do magic tricks.

7. The English word for “Ritter” is ________________.

8. Another word for “maybe” is ___________________.

9. Do you ______________ (> to think that something is true) in ghosts?

Task 3: Fill in the correct form of "have to".

1. Yesterday, she ______________________ (write) an essay for school.

2. Some days ago, the boy ______________________ (tidy) his room.

3. You ____________________ (start) with that task, said the teacher to the pupils.

4. Tomorrow, they ______________________ (sing) some songs at the concert.

letzter (!) Abgabetermin: Donnerstag, 10.01.2019

Montag, 7. Januar 2019

Joker Exericse (Class 8a): Vorbereitung für die 2. Schulaufgabe


Task 1: Fill in the missing future forms.

1. I'm sure that the team ______________________ (not/win) the championship this year.

2. The train __________________________ (leave) at 8:30 P.M.

3. My horoscope says that I ___________________ (win) a lot of money in the lottery.

4. Hurry up! The schedule says the conference _________________ (start) in 15 minutes!

5. We really love Canada. We ______________________ (probably/fly) there next summer.

6. Listen! There's someone at the door. I _________________ (open) it.

7.The weather forecast says that it ____________________ (not/rain) this evening.

8. Did you download this album? - Well, no I didn't. It was my sister. She 

_____________________ (listen to) the album tomorrow. That's her plan.

Task 2: Fill in the missing vocabulary from Unit 2. 

1. The American __________________ has got stars and stripes.

2. The American word for “lesson” is ______________________.

3. Did you read the ______________________ (“Beitrag”, “Artikel”) about the game?

4. Find the missing forms:       to teach / _____________ / ________________

5. The waiter came and ___________________ (> gave a meal to someone) the meal.

6. You can find several Mp3 __________________________ (> small pieces that show what the rest is like) on that homepage.

7. I really love _________________ food. ITALY

8.Columbus ___________________________ North America in 1492 DISCOVERY

9. When does the farmer __________________ his cows? MILKING

10. Back in the days, __________________ immigrants came to America. EUROPE
Abgabe der abgeschriebenen Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Freitag, 11.01.2019

Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2019

joker exercise & preparation for the written test (class 10a)

Write down all the sentences on a piece of paper to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Fill in the missing verb forms.

 1. I _______________________________ (not / be able to / finish) the marathon, if I hadn't trained every day.

2. If she were at your party, I _______________________ (speak) to her about the problem.

3. They _____________________ (recognize) her if Kelly hadn't cut your hair.

4. If I _________________ (be) you, I'd listen carefully!

5. She ______________________ (not / wait) for us, if we're late again.

6. If she _____________________ (win) a million Dollars, she would buy a fast car.

7. They would have been surprized if I _______________________ (finish) the race first.

8. He will leave if we ____________________ (not / hurry).

9. Sam would have come to the party if we _____________________ (invite) him.

10. If she liked the dress, Kelly ______________________ (buy) it.

Task 2: Fill in the missing passive forms.

1. Right now, the songs _________________________ (perform) by the band.

2. More than a hundred albums  _________________________ (already / record) in that studio over there.

3. Last Monday, the room _____________________ (tidy) by the staff.

4. One book was written in 1867 but the other books __________________________ (write) before 1867.

5. Right now, a passive exercise_______________________ (do) by you.

6. Next Monday, several boxes _____________________ (deliver) to the company.

7. The pizza ____________________ (eat) by the man during yesterday's conference.

8. Cheese ____________________ (make) from milk.

Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the missing verb forms or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

James Smith was born in the village of Marton, Yorkshire, England, on 27 October 1728. But his family soon moved to another village where Smith ________________________ (spend) most of his childhood. He _________________________ (true / enjoy) travelling from an early age on and he was also very interested __________ (???) all kinds of ships.
In the following years, he found employment on a coal ship. While he ___________________________________ (serve) in the Royal Navy in a war, he was the captain of a ship. After the war _____________________________ (end), Smith went to Canada. There he wanted to live in a settlement together with his family. Several years later, Smith _______________________ (travel) to New Zealand and to Hawaii but one of his boats ___________________________ (steal) by some Hawaiians. When Smith __________________ (try) to get it back, a fight broke out in which he was killed.

Numerous landmarks, ________________________________ (territory), and other places have been named after James Smith, ___________________ (include) the “Smith Islands”. The “Smith Islands” is an island complex in the South Pacific Ocean which consists of 15 smaller islands _______________ (???) total land area is 250 square kilometers. They are very popular ___________________ (???) tourists. 

Letzter Abgabetermin: Englischstunde am Mittwoch,  den 09.01.2019