Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018

Joker exercise (class 9a)

Task 1: Change these sentences into the passive voice. Mind the tense and add the by-agent. Look at the example (0) first.

0. We always eat French Fries.
→ French Fries are always eaten by us.

1. Mr Smith teaches history and English.
→ ....

2. We've lost our keys.
→ ....

3. Thomas invented the electric light bulb.
→ ....

4.  You should open your workbooks.
→ ....

5. Right now, they're reading a book.
→ ....

6. They have decorated many rooms.
--> ....

7.  I will write a long text.
→ ....

8. The man painted a nice picture.
→ ....

9. The bus driver hurt the cyclist.
→ ....

10. Kelly had seen him.
→ ....

Task 2: Make sentences using the structure “have something done”. Look at the example (0) first.

0. Right now, Kelly / cook / a meal
→ Right now, Kelly is having a meal cooked.

1.  yesterday / Sally / cut / her hair
→ ....

2. tomorrow / Julia / the garage / repair
→ ....

3. right now / Nick / a photo  / take
→ ....

4. some days ago / we / our house / paint
→ ....

WICHTIG: Es müssen alle (!) Sätze komplett abgeschrieben werden, um den "Joker" zu bekommen! Letzter Abgabetermin: Mittwoch, 16.05.2018