Dienstag, 9. Januar 2018

Joker Exericse (Class 8d): Vorbereitung für die 2. Schulaufgabe


Task 1: Fill in the missing future forms.

1. I'm sure that Sweden ____________________ (not/win) the World Cup this summer.

2. Look, there are many clouds in the sky. It _________________________ (rain) soon!

3. My horoscope says that I ___________________ (meet) an old friend this week.

4. Hurry up! The schedule says the meeting _________________ (start) in 15 minutes!

5. We really love New York City. We ______________________ (probably/fly) there this month.

6. On Saturday, they ________________________ (meet) in front of the cafeteria.

7. Listen! There's someone at the door. I _________________ (open) it.

8. We ____________________ (have) a dinner at a nice restaurant this Tuesday.

9. The flight ___________________ (leave) at 8:45 P.M.

10. She believes it ___________________ (be) sunny tomorrow evening.

Task 2: Fill in the missing vocabulary from Unit 2. 

1. The American __________________ has got stars and stripes.

2. The American word for “lesson” is ______________________.

3. Did you read the ______________________ (“Beitrag”, “Artikel”) about the game?

4. Find the missing forms:       to teach / _____________ / ________________

5. The waiter came and ___________________ (> gave a meal to someone) the meal.

6. You can find several Mp3 __________________________ (> small pieces that show what the rest is like) on that homepage.
7. I really love _________________ food. ITALY
8.Columbus ___________________________ North America in 1492 DISCOVERY
9. When does the farmer __________________ his cows? MILKING
10. Back in the days, __________________ immigrants came to America. EUROPE

Abgabe der abgeschriebenen Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Freitag, den 12.01.2018

Montag, 8. Januar 2018

Joker Exercise: Class 7f (Vorbereitung für die 2. Schulaufgabe)

 Joker Exercise (class 7f): Vorbereitung für die 2. Englischschulaufgabe


Task 1: Fill in the correct question tags.

1. You can do this exercise, ________________?

2. Kelly’s in the house, ______________?

3. They went to the cinema, ________________?

4. They haven’t bought a new book, ________________?

5. You usually watch “The Simpsons”, ________________?

6. Kelly wanted to download that song, ________________?

7. We’ll travel to Ireland next week, ________________?

8. She goes to that school, ________________?

9. This exercise isn’t difficult, ___________________?

10. Kelly can swim very well, ________________?

11. They aren’t losing the match, ________________?

12. A spider has got seven legs, ________________?

Task 2: Fill in the correct vocabulary.

1. 2000 years ago, the Romans  ____________ Britain.

2. They used ___________ (>< stupid) tactics.

3. In the year 43 AD the Romans ____________ (> used hands, guns etc. against another person) against the Britons.

4. Augustus was the first Roman __________________.

5. You need __________ when you want to write on the blackboard in our classroom.

6. A _____________ is a person who can do magic tricks.

7. The English word for “Ritter” is ________________.

8. Another word for “maybe” is ___________________.

9. Do you ______________ (> to think that something is true) in ghosts?

Abgabe: Englischstunde am Freitag, den 12.01.2018