Freitag, 9. November 2018

second "joker exercise" & preparation for the first written test (class 7e)

Write down all the sentences (!!) on a piece of paper to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Since or for? Fill in the correct words. Remember: We use "since" for a "point of time" and "for" when we talk about a "period of time".

1. Lady Gaga has been a singer  ___________ many years now.
2. She hasn't seen her husband ___________ 10 days because she has been on tour ___________ a long time.
3. Lady Gaga hasn't been to Munich ___________ 2009.
4. She has had singing lessons ___________ almost twelve years now.
5. James hasn't been to a concert ____________ many years.
6. You've been at our school ___________ more than two years.
7. The reporter wants to interview Lady Gaga. He has been waiting ___________ 4 p.m.
8. Rihanna hasn't been to America ___________ 1st April 2017.
9. New York has been Rihanna's residence ___________ almost 10 years.
10. Rihanna has had her new dress ___________ her birthday.

Task 2: Mixed Grammar. Fill in the missing forms of the words in brackets () or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. Rihanna ___________ (to be) on a TV show right now. She ________________ (to sing) her new song at the moment and all her fans are smiling ______________ (happy).
2. _______________________________ (to be / Rihanna / ever) to Germany before? 
3. Rihanna ___________ (to love) to eat fish and vegetables. She ________________ (not / to like) hamburgers or meat.
4. Yesterday, her manager _______________ (to explain) Rihanna's plans for 2019 and 2020. She
_____________________________  (to tour) through many countries ___________ (???) the whole world.
5. Rihanna is a _______________ (wonderful) singer and many people think she sings _________________ (beautiful).
6. Yesterday, she ___________ (to be) in Munich. _______________________ (she / to visit) "Kaufinger Straße"?
7. Rihanna _________________________ (usually / to work) on Saturdays and Sundays. She 
______________________  (always / to be) very busy.
8. Rihanna _____________________ (to talk) to her manager right now. Some days ago, she ___________ (to write) a letter to a fan and ________________ (to answer) all the questions __________________ (???) were sent to her.

"joker exercise" & preparation for the written test (class 8a)

Write down all the tasks (and all the sentences!) on a piece of paper to get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Use can, could, ‘ll be able to, haven’t been able to, was able to, wasn’t able to and wasn’t allowed to. You can use each answer only ONE TIME!

I was in NYC a few years ago. I _____________________________________ visit a lot of 
 interesting places but not everything, of course. No one __________________________ do it all in 
just a few days. I went to the top of the Empire State Building and visited other sights. Of course, I went shopping in some of the stores, too. But I ____________________________________________ take some pictures inside the stores. I took a boat to Liberty Island afterwards. But they were working inside the statue, so I _____________________________ get to the crown and look at New York City. But I ___________________________ see the skyline from the boat. It was a spectacular view!

New York is really an exciting place. Unfortunately, I ____________________________________ travel to New York since 2015. But I hope I _________________________________ travel to this fantastic city again.

Task 2: Mixed Grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets. Sometimes you must find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. New York City ______________ (be) an amazing city with _____________________ (fantastic) sights like the Empire State Building.

2. Jeff _________________________________ (never / be) to NYC before but he hopes he _________________________________ (be able to / visit) the city next year in summer. He ______________________________________ (absolute / love) to visit huge cities!

3. If you ____________________ (travel) to New York City on a sunny day, you ___________________________________ (be able to / see) many people in the different stores.

4.  Last year, Sally __________________________ (visit) the city ________ (???) she wasn’t able to take photos of the sights because her camera was broken. Sally was really sad about that.

5.  New York City is a place _________________ (???) is very famous all around the world.

6. Right now, you ____________________ (do) an exercise for the English test. 

Task 3: Find words from the same word family as the word printed in bold.

1. Dirk Nowitzki is a _________________ German basketball player. FAME

2. I can speak ______________ very well. ITALY

3. Barack Obama is a former (= -ex) __________________ politician. AMERICA

4. We had to write a long ________________ in our German lesson. SUMMARIZE

5. You’ll ________________ know the answer to this question. CERTAIN

6. This sentence is wrong. Can you _______________ it? CORRECTION

7. We __________ the apartment every Sunday. CLEANING

Donnerstag, 1. November 2018

"Joker Exercise" - Klasse 10a

Write down both tasks on a piece of paper to get your "joker card"!

Task 1: Passive exercise. Fill in the missing forms. 

see worksheet

Task 2: Mixed grammar. Fill in the missing verb forms or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

see worksheet

Montag, 1. Oktober 2018

First Joker Exercise (Klasse 7e)

First Joker Exercise (class 7e) (Revision from last year)

Important: Take a piece of paper and write down all the sentences (!) to get your "joker" card.

Task 1: Find the missing verb forms (simple past & past participle (3. Verbform)) and write them down. Look at the example (0) first.
0: to go - went - gone
1: to know - _________ - _________
2: to buy - _________ - _________
3: to see - _________ - _________
4: to meet - _________ - _________
5: to do - _________ - _________
6: to fly - _________ - _________
7: to have -_________ - _________
8: to give - _________ - _________

Task 2: Form sentences with the correct present perfect form! Remember: You need have/has + past participle (3. Verbform) to form the present perfect.

0. She has already seen (already / see) Shawn Mendes twice in concert.
1. They _____________________________ (not / watch) the new "The Incredibles" film, yet.
2. Sue and Fiona _______________________ (write) a long e-mail to their best friend.
3. Sue _______________________ (buy) a new sweater for her brother.
4. ______________________ (do / already) your maths homework?
5. Fiona _______________________ (forget) to send a message to her friend.

Task 3: Mixed exercise. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find words for the question marks (???). Look at the example (0) first.

 0. The Octoberfest is really popular ____with____ (???) tourists.

1. You can download songs ________ (???) the internet.

2. Yesterday, I ____________ (meet) my friend at the bus station.

3. I think it ________________ (rain) on Monday.

4. Have you done your homework? - No, I __________________ (???).

5. How are you today? -  ____________________________. ("Mir gehts gut, danke").

6. ______________ (???) is Tom? - Well, he's in his room.

7. Sally: "George, _________________ (???) did you buy those beautiful jeans?" - George: "I found them in that shop over there!"

8. How _______________ (???) is a sandwich? - I think 1,50 Euro.

- Aufgaben eingestellt am Montag, den 01.10.2018
- Abgabe der abgeschriebenen (!) Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Dienstag, den 09.10.2018

Dienstag, 25. September 2018

Informationen zu den Vokabelkärtchen (Klasse 7e)

Informationen zu den Vokabelkärtchen
(7. Klasse)

-         insgesamt gibt es 32 Kärtchen für die Vokabeln der 7. Klasse
-         jedes Vokabelkärtchen hat eine Nummer (siehe Tabelle, in der jeweils die erste und letzte Vokabel des Kärtchens angegeben ist)
-         Bei Interesse einfach DIN A4 Laminierfolien besorgen, die es in jedem Schreibwarenladen gibt (empfohlene Dicke: 125 mic)
-         da einzelne laminierte Folien gegebenenfalls nicht richtig „zusammenhaften“ empfiehlt es sich, ca. 3 oder 4 zusätzliche Folien zu besorgen
--> Sprich deinen Lehrer bei Interesse an!

Übersicht über die einzelnen Vokabelkärtchen
erste Vokabel des jeweiligen Kärtchens
letzte Vokabel des jeweiligen Kärtchens
Unit 1
„country“ (S. 109)
„to start doing sth“ (S. 109)
Unit 1
“guest house” (S. 109)
“somewhere” (S. 110)
Unit 1
“county” (S. 110)
“to bring out” (S. 111)
Unit 1
“to put on” (S. 111)
“van” (S. 112)
Unit 1
“telephone box” (S. 112)
“residence” (S. 112)
Unit 1
“ambassador” (S. 112)
“to hide” (S. 113)
Unit 1
“crazy” (S. 113)
“law” (S. 113)

Unit 2
“Celt” (S. 114)
“true” (S. 114)
Unit 2
“positive” (S. 114)
“to fall in love with” (S. 114)
Unit 2
“to marry” (S. 115)
“shield” (S. 115)
Unit 2
“one” (S. 115)
“to enjoy doing sth” (S. 116)
Unit 2
“interest” (S. 116)
“to hope to do sth” (S. 116)
Unit 2
“witch” (S. 116)
“truth” (S. 116)

Unit 3
“to hit/be the big time” (S. 117)
“somebody” (S. 118)
Unit 3
“audience” (S. 118)
“to remind” (S. 118)
Unit 3
“prince” (S. 118)
“aged” (S. 119)
Unit 3
“to make a mess of sth” (S. 119)
“note” (S. 119)
Unit 3
“sporting” (S. 119)
“pub” (S. 120)
Unit 3/4
“to fail” (S. 120)
“to begin” (S. 120)

Unit 4
“to begin doing sth” (S. 121)
“slope” (S. 121)
Unit 4
“to attack” (S. 121)
“genuine” (S. 122)
Unit 4
 “definition” (S. 122)
“temper” (S. 122)
Unit 4
“thin” (S. 122)
“or so” (S. 123)
Unit 4/5
“landlord” (S. 123)
“first aid” (S. 123)

Unit 5
“paragliding” (S. 123)
“tomato” (S. 124)
Unit 5
“soup” (S. 124)
“exhausted” (S. 124)
Unit 5
“pain” (S. 124)
“pardon” (S. 125)
Unit 5
“thief” (S. 125)
“crossroads” (S. 125)
Unit 5
“town hall” (S. 125)
“(the) next time” (S. 126)
Unit 5
“memory” (S. 126)
“complete” (S. 126)
Unit 5
“to disappear” (S. 126)
“to count” (S. 127)
Unit 5
“brooch” (S. 127)
“to compare” (S. 127)

Montag, 24. September 2018

freiwilliger Übungsaufsatz für den Jahrgangsstufentest (Klasse 7e)

Verfasse einen vollständigen "Blogeintrag" (mindestens 60 Wörter) auf einem Extrablatt. Gib deinen Aufsatz am Dienstag deinem Lehrer ODER lass es in sein Fach legen (Lehrerzimmer).

Wichtig: letzter (!!!) Abgabetermin: Dienstag, 02.10.2018; (zu spät abgegebene Aufsätze werden nicht korrigiert!)


Last week, you visited London together with your family. Write a blog entry about your trip.

In your blog, write about the following:

- the hotel where you stayed

- two special sights in London
- what you liked most there (+ why)

Write about 60 words. Think about a good beginning and ending of your letter!

Sonntag, 23. September 2018

Informationen zu den Vokabelkärtchen (Klasse 8a)

Informationen zu den Vokabelkärtchen
(8. Klasse)

-         insgesamt gibt es 36 Kärtchen für die Vokabeln der 8. Klasse
-         jedes Vokabelkärtchen hat eine Nummer (siehe Tabelle)
-         Bei Interesse einfach DIN A4 Laminierfolien besorgen, die es in jedem Schreibwarenladen gibt (empfohlene Dicke: 125 mic)
-         da einzelne laminierte Folien gegebenenfalls nicht richtig „zusammenhaften“ empfiehlt es sich, ca. 3 oder 4 zusätzliche Folien zu besorgen
--> Sprich deinen Lehrer bei Interesse an! :-)

Übersicht über die einzelnen Vokabelkärtchen

erste Vokabel des jeweiligen Kärtchens
letzte Vokabel des jeweiligen Kärtchens
Unit 1
„skyline“ (S. 116)
„opportunity to do sth“ (S. 116)
Unit 1
“dollar” (S. 116)
„to shop” (S. 117)
Unit 1
„till” (S. 117)
„wait” (S. 117)
Unit 1
„stop” (S. 117)
„trade” (S. 118)
Unit 1
„pattern” (S. 118)
„to enter” (S. 119)
Unit 1
„service” (S. 119)
„even though” (S. 119)
Unit 1
„in fact” (S. 119)
„to arrange” (S. 120)
Unit 1
„to create” (S. 120)
„to mug” (S. 121)
Unit 1
„grocery (store)” (S. 121)
„nephew” (S. 121)
Unit 1/2
„to recognize” (S. 121)
„carnival” (S. 122)

Unit 2
„breeze” (S. 122)
„pen pal” (S. 123)
Unit 2
„junior” (S. 123)
„formal” (S. 123)
Unit 2
„seafood” (S. 123)
„headline” (S. 124)
Unit 2
„cost” (S. 124)
„to take place” (S. 124)
Unit 2
„host” (S. 124)
„among” (S. 125)
Unit 2
„to advertise” (S. 125)
„souvenir” (S. 125)
Unit 2
„to mention” (S. 125)
„to brush” (S. 126)
Unit 2/3
„tooth” (S. 126)
„slavery” (S. 127)

Unit 3
„to abolish” (S. 127)
„to get mad with” (S. 127)
Unit 3
„fight” (S. 127)
„to lay” (S. 128)
Unit 3
„tobacco” (S. 128)
„yourself” (S. 129)
Unit 3
„myself” (S. 129)
„to protest” (S. 129)
Unit 3
„to lynch” (S. 129)
„campaign” (S. 130)
Unit 3
„Supreme Court” (S. 130)
„engineer” (S. 130)
Unit 3
„rider” (S. 130)
„thunder” (S. 131)
Unit 3/4
„shower” (S. 131)
„average” (S. 132)

Unit 4
„temperature” (S. 132)
„to launch” (S. 133)
Unit 4
„to experience” (S. 132)
„mostly” (S. 134)
Unit 4
„hurricane” (S. 134)
„climate” (S. 134)
Unit 4
„dirt” (S. 134)
„poisonous” (S. 135)
Unit 4
„what if... ” (S. 135)
„to protect” (S. 135)
Unit 4
„swimmer” (S. 135)
„stuck”(S. 136)
Unit 4
„power cut” (S. 136)
„task” (S. 136)
Unit 4
„offensive” (S. 136)
„suburb” (S. 136)
Unit 4
„university” (S. 136)
„to found ” (S. 137)
Unit 4
„frontier” (S. 137)
„struggle ” (S. 137)