Freitag, 30. Juni 2017

Antworten für das Arbeitsblatt "mixed exercises"


Task 1: 

-  isn't
- happy
- wants to
- terrible
- lost

- absolutely tired
- ran
- hard

- who
- happily
- won

- popular
- hardly
- whose
- is asking

- will be
- won't be

- more
- against
- fantastically
- slow

 - has already scored
- best

- in
- really loves

- bought
- didn't have

 Task 2: 

1. Jake has been reading for three hours
2. Tom and Jeff have been playing football since 8 o'clock.
3. Fiona has been cycling since 2014.
4. Sam and Amanda have been dancing for 30 minutes.

Task 3:

1. whose - which
2. X - which
3. X
4. who

Task 4:

to fetch = to go and get something
to argue = to talk angrily with someone
thief = someone who steals (something)
minibus = a small bus
to share = to use something with another person

Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017

Joker Exercise & Vorbereitung für die 4. Schulaufgabe (Klasse 7a)

Write down all the tasks  ON A PIECE OF PAPER to get your "joker" card.

Task 1: Fill in the correct present perfect progressive forms.

Kathy:        Sorry, I’m late.
Corey:      That’s OK. I ___haven’t been waiting______ (I / not / wait) long. What  _________________________________________ (you / do)?
Kathy:        __________________________________________ (I / talk) to my best friend about Germany’s game against Mexico.
Corey:       Oh, I haven’t heard about that.
Kathy:       Oh, everyone _________________________________ (talk) about it. There are even many shows on TV!
Corey:      _____________________________________ (I / not watch) TV lately because _________________________________ (I / work) for my history project. When is that game?
Kathy:        Well, it’s on Thursday at 8 PM. I hope Germany will win the game!

Task 2: Fill in the correct adjective or adverb.

1. Kelly is a very _______ (nice) girl and she can dance very ____________ (good).

2. The sunlight was very _____________ (bright) and they couldn’t see a thing when they left the cinema.

3. She plays football ___________________ (fantastic) and she can kick the ball ____________________ (hard).
4. ___________ (near) 150 people can to the music concert.
5. They walked ______________ (slow) down the hall and talked ______________ (quiet).
6. They speak English very _________________ (good).
7. His new kite doesn’t fly very ____________________ (high).
8. The whole class liked the ___________________ (spectacular) film.
9. Christiano Ronaldo is __________________ (high) respected around the world.
10. I can’t _____________ (hard) understand him because he speaks too ____________ (fast).
11. Mr Smith likes ________________ (good) food, especially pasta is his favourite.
12. He acted __________________ (excellent) in that play. He’s an _______________ (excellent) actor!

Task 3: Mixed grammar. Fill in the correct forms of the words in brackets or find suitable words for the question marks (???).

1. I'm really interested ________ (???) football and I ________________ (absolute / love) to watch games on TV.

2. Mr L. is still standing at the bus stop. He _______________________ (stand) there for almost three hours.

3. Right now, Corey __________________ (listen) to music on his mobile phone. He _______________ (always / to listen) to music after school.

4. Some days ago, Kelly __________________ (buy) an amazing skirt ___________ (???) she'll wear next week.

5. I know a man ____________ (???) car is yellow.

6. Alex always speaks ___________ (quiet) because he's really __________ (shy).

7. Mr Smith has been ill __________ (???) Friday.

8. At nine o'clock, Fiona and Ben ________________ (dance) at the disco.