Samstag, 21. Januar 2017

Joker exercises (class 7a) & Vorbereitung für die 2. Schulaufgabe

IMPORTANT: Write down all the sentences on a piece of paper! Otherwise you won't get your "joker" card!

Task 1: Fill in the correct question tags.

1. New York City is a city in North America, _____________________?

2. Rihanna can sing beautifully, _____________________?
3. Yesterday Rihanna sang wonderfully
, _____________________?
4. The CD isn't in your room
, _____________________?
5. Jeff and Sally will buy new T-Shirts
, _____________________?
6. This exercise is easy
, _____________________?
7. She went to the disco two days ago
, _____________________?
8. You are a pupil at our school
, _____________________?
9. The music sounds terrible
, _____________________?
10. They are going to visit Munich
, _____________________?
11. You've never visited London, _____________________?

 Task 2: Fill in the correct forms of "have to". 

1. Our bus was late yesterday. We ___________ (to wait) a long time for it. And it was raining.
2. It’s my mum’s birthday next week. I______________ (to buy) a present for her tomorrow.
3. The kids are in bed, but it’s half past seven, time to get ready for school. They _________________ (to get up) now.
4. Adam had some maths homework yesterday. The questions were difficult. He _______________ (to think) carefully about them.
5. Mrs Foster is looking after Rusty the dog. It’s tea time now, so she ___________________ (to feed) him.

 Task 3: Form if-clauses type I.

1. If she_________________ (ring) the bell, someone ________________ (open) the door.

2. We ______________________ (play) inside if it _________________ (rain) tomorrow.

3. Kelly ____________________ (clean) her own room if Rob _________________ (tidy) the kitchen.

4. If our teacher ____________________ (not / give) much homework, we __________________________ (enjoy) the weekend.

5. Fiona ____________________ (be tired) if she __________________ (stay) late up at night.

6. If it ________________ (rain) tomorrow, I ________________ (not / have to) water the plants in the garden.

7. You ____________________ (work) hard if you __________________ (want) to succeed.