Samstag, 25. Juni 2016

joker exercise for the fourth written test (class 6c)

Write down all the tasks on a piece of paper to get your "joker card". (Abgabetermin: Donnerstag, 30.06.2016)

Task 1: Simple past OR present perfect? Fill in the missing verb forms. Mind the signal words!

1. Some days ago, Robyn _____________ (buy) a brand-new T-Shirt for her little brother. He really likes it a lot!

2. I _______________ (never / made) a cake in my whole life.

3. _____________________________ (where / you / meet) her yesterday? - Well, we met in front of the cinema and went to the park together.

4. The girls _____________________________ (already / watch) the film more than three times.

5. Yesterday, I ___________________ (forget) my umbrella at home. I _______________ (get) very wet outside because it rained a lot.

6. In 2012, Ed Sheeran ___________________ (play) a concert in his home town. The show ___________ (be) sold-out!

Task 2: Going to or will future? Mind the signal words!

1. I think it __________________ (rain) tomorrow evening.

2. What's your plan for the upcoming weekend? - Well, I __________________ (watch) the match Germany against Slovakia on TV. I'm sure it _________________ (be) exciting.

3. Wow, look at all those darkened clouds in the sky. It ____________________ (rain).

4. I really hope the German national team ___________________ (win) the EURO 2016.

Task 3: Fill in the missing vocabulary (Unit 5)!

1. The shop ______________ (>< buys) fantastic products.

2. Jeans, T-Shirts and sweaters are ______________________.

3. What's the _____________ of that shirt? - Well, it's 2$.

4. He watches the programme ____________ (> 1x) a week.

5. A door in a fence or wall outside is a ________________.

6. Martin dropped the glass and now it's ________________.

7. A _______________ is a doctor for animals.