Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016

Writing exercise (final exam 2010) (Klasse 10e)

Freiwillige Writing-Übung für die Ferien. (Klasse 10e)


You only have to do one of the following tasks. Write your answer in about 150 words.
Important: first read both tasks, then decide wether you want to do A or B. You can write down your ideas on your sheet before you do the task on your exam paper.

Task A:
You have just read the following advertisement on the noticeboard in your school:

You have decided to apply for the Work & Stay Program in Alaska. Write your letter of application to Sally Grigg.

In your letter, …
-       explain why you want to go to Alaska
-       say which area you have experienced in and why
-       describe your personal qualities
-       ask for further details on one of the following:
accommodation, activities, people on the ranch

Task B:

You are taking part in the „Language Courses Abroad“ program in the US. During your 3-week stay, you decide to write an e-mail to your English-speaking friend.

In your e-mail, write about:
-       why you are taking part in the program
-       what you have enjoyed most so far and why
-       your host family
-       your plans for the last few days in the US

Do not forget to write a suitable beginning and ending.
Write about 150 words.