Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015

First Joker Exercise (class 6c)

Task 1: Look at the box and make sentences. Use “as ... as” and “(not) as ... as”. Write the sentences on a piece of paper!

(auf das Bild klicken um die Tabelle größer anzuzeigen)


1.  A pizza isn't as good as a burger.

2. A pen...

Task 2: Complete the dialogue. Use good, better, best or bad, worse, worst. Write the COMPLETE sentences on a piece of paper.

Tom:   Hi Jim! How are you?

Jim:     I'm fine, thanks. I'm really happy because my story     
            was the _______________ story in the class.

Tom:   What do you mean?

Jim:     Well, nobody has got a _________________ mark (= Note) than me. I'm so happy.

Tom:  Good job! My text wasn't that ______________. I think it was the __________________ of the whole class. 
Jim:     Well, you can’t be the _____________ in all subjects. Cheer up! And look at the weather. Rain, rain, rain.

Tom:   It’s _____________ than this morning. And _____________ weather is on the way. Come on, let’s go out.

Jim:     Good idea, let’s go.

- Aufgaben eingestellt am Dienstag, den 20.10.2015
- Abgabe der beiden abgeschriebenen (!!!) Aufgaben: Englischstunde am Freitag, den 30.10.2015

Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

Passive revision (class 10e)

form of “to be” + past participle

simple present:                   am/is/are
present progressive:           is/are being

past progressive:                was/were being

simple past:                        was/were            +    past participle

present perfect:                has/have been

past perfect:                     had been

will- future:                      will be

modal verbs:                     can/may/must be
(can, may, must...)